[PLUGIN] YouTube Music

Yes, it works. Thanks for being so quick again.

To use:
Uninstall the old plugin
Install the new beta one
Re-authorise YouTube

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I appreciate your quick response to this problem. I have been enjoying Volumio on three devices - two PCs and one Rpi4 - for only a few weeks now, but it has become a fixture in my house and life. Since I both have a YouTube Premium account through my Google Fi cell phone plan, and have been using it exclusively for music for many years, this plug-in has been a key element in my life.

When it didn’t work the past few days, I almost panicked! I reinstalled Volumio on my living room streamer three times before I figured out it wasn’t the program, but YouTube. I quickly found this forum thread and have been watching it anxiously.

It took me several times installing it before I carefully read the last post and followed the instructions - it is critical that you reboot AFTER installing the update, and BEFORE you activate it.

Thanks again for your efforts.

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Thank you @patrickkfkan !

Hi. I had just posted a request for a solution to a problem I was experiencing with YT Music plug in, but voila - it has been fixed!
Thanks for this wonderful plug in.

  • Cheers.

Thanks Patrick, this one never worked for me.

just installed the new plugin, rebooted and boom… confirm working :smiley:
cheers for your efforts!

Edit: playback stopped, spoke to soon but will test it out. Another reboot.

EDIT2: still doesn’t seem to work casting from YouTube music app (android), but can see the device and hit cast but does nothing).

Hi, just a little nag about the fixed pluging… if you play a song and while playing you manually set the playback back to a point in the song (for example you’d like to hear the chorus again), then the next song is not titled properly, the author and the song title remain of the one you skipped back manually (while playing the next song). When the second song finishes and then the 3rd song starts, the 3rd one is again properly titled. Nothing major but can be “interesting” at times when you know the correct song and title, but Volumio says it is still the previous one.

This plugin has nothing to do with casting. The YT Cast Receiver plugin is yet to be fixed.

I hope my comment was clear enough that the situation about not updating the author and title on next song if the playback of current song was manually pointed back in the current song - is occuiring with Youtube Music 1.0.1 plugin, not the YT Cast Receiver plugin.


Maybe that remark was not addressed to you?

Yeah I know, it’s the older one that works from volumio UI (which works well now), just saying.

ps. playback seems to stop for some reason after a while with this YT music playlist (search for Majestic - Latest Uploads), don’t know if anything special about it.

Playback didn’t stop for me. Has been playing this playlist for 10 hours straight without interruption and it’s still playing.

Oh nice, hope you are enjoying it, good background music. Will have to test it again and get a log file to see what’s going on.

I did the system update to 3.631, hopefully that helps, seems like Tidal connect has more issues these days.


Hi, I just sent you a message with the logfile.
Playback stopped after 5 tracks. Not sure why


Cannot setting up YouTube Music and YouTube Plugin, it’s shown the blank screen after enter the menu, Any advised?

If you just installed/ updated thd plugin, restart Volumio and see if that helps.

I’ve tried all that you mention and factory reset it’s still not working.

I had this too, I left it like that for a while and suddenly it worked, it took about 10 seconds before the page was available.

This should now be fixed in v1.0.2 (currently beta)

Just a word of thanks to @patrickkfkan : 1.02 works perfectly well! Thanks for the update!

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