I am trying to install the Bandcamp 1.2.0 Plugin but only version 1.1.1 gets installed.
What am I missing?
Thank you!
I am trying to install the Bandcamp 1.2.0 Plugin but only version 1.1.1 gets installed.
What am I missing?
Thank you!
If you want to install 1.2 just click install, not details.
unless the plugin is in beta then go to volumio.local/dev and click testing plugins
dev testing is enabled, otherwise I dont see the option to install this plugin. Clicking direct on install also installs v1.1.1.
I am using the latest system version 3.785
what is your device?
Volumio Rivo Plus
Please retry, should be ok now
It worked, thank you!
@balbuze could you please check youtube plugins as well?
on rivoplus and streamplay I can’t install the latest versions
thank you!
on streamplay I still get 1.2.2 of Youtube2 and 1.1.3 of Youtube Music installed (both don’t work anymore)
on Rivo Plus I get Youtube2 1.3.3 (OK) but Youtube Music 1.1.3 (not working)
on Integro and I can get Youtube2 1.3.3 and Youtube Music 1.2.3
so the problem is solved partially on Rivo Plus, but not solved on StreamPlay
can you retry for youtube2 please?
just tried on streamplay, still 1.2.2
I think I found the issue… A typo…
Let me know if ok
Youtube2 is now OK on streamplay, many thanks!
I did not try Youtube Music and Youtube Cast Receiver, could you please take care of both for Rivo Plus and StreamPlay, if not done yet?