Seems they only provide a preinstalled image for Raspbian with dedicated drivers.
OK, so I have to install the drivers for the display on the Volumino installation
Is there an image from Volumino where the drivers for the display are already available
Thanks for the help
No there isn’t rPi based. The x86 image might work out of the box.
“might” is a keyword here, chances are that the display incl. touchscreen driver will load, but then there is calibration, not quite out-of-the-box I think
RB-LCD10-2 has a 10.1" display and a resolution of 1280 x 800 pixels.
Please clarify what is correct.
gniffle that is my screen btw it’s a 10.1 inch screen
Having an issue with scrolling sluggishness with two different setups when in Album view with thumbnails or list. When using an iPad Air Gen 4 there is no issue at all.
First setup is with official 7" raspberry pi display. Second setup is with Mimo UM-1080CH-G - HDMI based touch display. Both setups have same issue, so I think it’s not hardware related.
I have 560 (primarily FLAC) albums with artwork as folder.jpg. I have scrolled through and let all artwork load, but I’m wondering if there is a specific size that artwork should be? The artwork that is used is of varying size and there might be duplicates. My theory is that it might be artwork related that causes the scrolling sluggishness. If I move over to Artist and scroll there it works fine, so it’s just related to Album scrolling.
Other things I have tried - changing the plugin setting for GPU Memory to 64MB and even higher and nothing changed.
Any ideas on how to fix this?
I tried to uninstall TouchScreen, restart and install one more time. It is not possible, installation is corrupted with this:
Plugin was not able to start. After restart my Volumio not start anymore… my phone and computer Volumio is not present.
I try to find more info and found this:
It’s look like Pi5 not recognize LCD monitor. My Waveshare blink if is not connected or has some errors. After connected green led stop blinking ( it’s mean that connection is correct )
I will try to change cmdline.txt with EDID data.
Will move this last post to the proper post, so it get some more attention.
All time when I change something in LCD config… my SD copy of Volumio dies
I have a RPI4 connected to an Eleclab 7.4 touchscreen.
Fresh install of Volumio, and plugins Radio Paradise and Touch Display Plugin active.
With no albums loaded it is working fine and very responsive, when i add 1660 albums of lossless audio trough either network mount, or directly trough usb. It works for a few hours and then the Touch screen freezes, it gives an Aw snap error code 5 in chromium, also after reboots. Meanwhile the web interface keeps working correctly.
What i tried to fix it:
- Increase GPU memory.
- Fresh install of Volumio and the Plugins.
- Fresh install to latest Beta
- Looked trough SSH to the filesize of the overlay folder, it is 1.5 g and a lot of space free.
But still the issue continues.
hello and welcome.
how do you power this screen, external or usb raspberry pi.
via USB it could be that too much is being asked of the Raspberry USB.
Apart from power as @michel8166 suggested, maybe something odd with some of your image files? Difficult to find though, but maybe you could start by searching by size to see if there are any huge ones.
Hi tnx for the quick support.
@michel8166 I also thought this could be an issue, then i tried the same trough a network share without the usb attached. The same issue. It is powered by an external usb power supply 3.6 amp into the screen en that feeds the Pi. I will try with 2 separate powersupplies.
@SimonE Do you mean the generated album art by Volumio or the already present album art in some of the albums? If on Volumio, do you know where they are stored so i can check trough SSH.
I checked the images, nothing big present. Tried loading 1000 albums instead, after retagging them with Mp3Tag. Still the issue Aw snap appears after a few hours. Can I conclude that chromium is crashing?
No it should not be an issue. I have over 3200 albums and it works without problems.
I will move this topic to the proper place, so it get more attention.
Since Volumio is still running please provide a log just after the crash of the plugin.
This is the logfile just after the crash:
On the display i have a white chrome screen with:
Aw, Snap! Error code 5. With a reload button, sometimes it reloads, sometimes it doesnt.
When I first looked through the log, I noticed these lines:
Nov 22 12:00:24 volumio4 kernel: FAT-fs (mmcblk0p1): Volume was not properly unmounted. Some data may be corrupt. Please run fsck.
Nov 22 12:00:24 volumio4 kernel: FAT-fs (mmcblk0p1): Volume was not properly unmounted. Some data may be corrupt. Please run fsck.
Nov 22 12:00:27 volumio4 systemd-fsck[379]: 0x25: Dirty bit is set. Fs was not properly unmounted and some data may be corrupt.
Nov 23 08:32:41 volumio4 kernel: Unhandled prefetch abort: breakpoint debug exception (0x222) at 0x00000000
Nov 23 08:32:41 volumio4 kernel: Unhandled prefetch abort: breakpoint debug exception (0x222) at 0x00000000
Does the problem also occur with a different SD card?
Does the problem also occur with Volumio release version 3.569 (instead of unreleased 3.581)?
Can you also run a file/disk check on your NAS. I see a lot of errors like:
"error: scanFolder - failure to stat '/"
Also the last entry before your crash shows and empty CURURI.
Nov 23 08:32:33 volumio4 volumio[813]: info: CURURI: albums://