In volumio 1.55 I used the web server tweak to include the music root folder in the web server to make album art available in MPoD/ mpad mod clients. This worked great. I hope something similar will be included in standard Volumio or as a plugin. I miss this functionality now in 2.0
I´ve the same question/request. For 1.55 I found a pretty simple solution after a series of attempts:
Beside the fact, that I extracted all my covers into a Folder.jpg in the designated folders, I just added in the nginx.conf (after the definition of localhosts on port 81/82) the following lines:
# cover art in MPoD and MPaD
location /cover {
alias /var/lib/mpd/music;
autoindex on;
autoindex_exact_size off;
In mPoD res. mPaD I just had put in the settings for local cover art http://[IP_OF_MY_VOLUMIO]/cover
And that´s it. It works perfect!
So now the volumio Team changed obviously from NGINX to node.js - which is completely unfamiliar to me.
Is there anybody here how can tell me how I - like described above (as simple as it) - can set up a web server, resp. can pass the mapped path to Mpad/mPod using node.js?
Great! I will test this as soon as possible. (Currently testing the Spotify Connect plugin which is not yet installable on the latest image, so I need to create a second SD for testing this)
Could you write (here in this thread) a little guide on how to enable this feature (maybe with screenshots? ) . So I will add to Volumio2 user manual, and I think it will be quite useful…
You mean a mini guide on how to setup MPoD/MPad to make cover art from Volumio available?
When starting the MPod app for the first time:
Select “Add payer manually” and fill in the following information:
Connection - Name: Volumio
MPD - Server: volumio.local (or ip-address)
Local Cover Art - URL: volumio.local/cover-art
Local Cover Art - Cover Filename: folder.jpg
Leave all other settings at the default.
Important note: The cover art URL including the file name is case sensitive, all your music folders need to use the same casing. (folder.jpg != Folder.jpg)
I will try to make some screenshots to make it even easier.