[PLUGIN] Now Playing

Also for the PrimoV2 the plugin is available.

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Hello ! New to Volumio :wink:
Thank you very much for this fantastic plugin !
Everything is configured nicely, but after several attempts I can’t increase the top margin for the AlbumArt.
(7 inch screen hdmi 1024 x 480 - vertical mode)

Thank you in advance for any guidance !

Now it is available. Thanks!

Hi all

Firstly this is a fantastic plugin! Well done to all involved.

I’ve got the plugin working almost perfectly, however there are a couple bugs I’d like to try and resolve.

I have Peppy-meter-Basic displaying on the touch screen and Now Playing on my TV using a browser on Nvidia Shield.

All media is being streamed from my Jellyfin server.


  • Cover art will not load on random songs of an album (not sure where now playing is pulling the image from to be able to check image format etc)
  • Lyrics for some songs won’t scroll or are out of sync, yet perfect on others
  • CSS styles will sometimes revert in anything but Basic View

Tech details:
RPI4 2GB - RPI touch screen
Volumio version: 3.785

Fusion DSP 1.0.54
Jellyfin 1.1.1
Spotify 4.1.1
Now Playing 0.7.5
Peppy-meter-Basic 0.0.1
Randomiser 3.1.2
Touch Display 3.5.1

Hello everyone, I just finished my volumio installation but I can’t create an account to download this wonderful puglin (I’ve been trying for days), is there a way to do it manually.
PD: the reason for using volumio is this puglin!!! thanks in advance.
(my setup: asus n3050i-c motherboard, OS:Volumio PC (X86/X64))

I was finally able to register, and receive confirmation via email and I started but it still asks me to log in in the plugins section, any ideas?

The last section (in blank, no devices) is ok?

Do you try to connect from the YI page of your device?
Is your device connected to internet?
If yes, can you check in a SSH console something like

volumio endpointstest

I can’t check the exact command now…

It’s the correct command.

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I think the problem is geolocation blocking (from Cuba). So I used a VPN from my PC, accessing via the web it says I am registered. But i think still my volumio device dont have access (is blocked).???

I tryed to manually install this plugin from Github autor page, following some gogle instruction but give me errors. I have minimal knowledge with linux, and nothing of volumio.

@balbuze You always deliver so why not one more request. And I absolutely love the seemingly limitless configuration options you have given. Perhaps just one more. When you list bit depth and bit rate, you do this in the inverse from everyone else I have ever seen. So generally, you see 44Khz 24 bit, but you show 21bit 48kHz.

Anyway, to allow the user to flip flop them?

And if you have a page or link, happy to contribute because you have given me everything that I have wanted and asked for.

You are what make Volumio the best!

thank you, but all credits for this plugin are for @patrickkfkan! I just pubished it on the store! :wink:

Finally installed “now playing”, plugin, happy to do it. Now planning find some screen for my custom volumio music box.

Next install: jellyfin plugin where I have all my music libraries.

That journey begin!!!

This is the best plugin ever used in volumio! Thank you Patrick and thanks to the community! Everything i needed I have found here…

I am playing around with volumio since 4 years but now playing was the reason to built my own final volumio player.

I have 2 questions left, i was not able to sort out so maybe someone can help:

I used now playing v 0.5.0 for a long time and upgraded now to v0.7.5.
In both versions, the Info View works great on my Player with installed Waveshare Touch Display.
What I cannot sort out is, that on my Android Phone (using Google Chrome for the now playing screen), I can execute everything, but when I switch to Info View, Metadata shows only the “Loading-Signage”
As sayed before, Metadata works great on the Players Screen.

And second question:
My lovely wife often don’t want to hear my music too loud :wink: , so she turns down the volume at the volumio touchscreen. But what she don’t do is, after turning volume down, she dont touches beside the volume-bar, so that the track-infos come back on the screen.
Is it possible to configure somewhere, that the volume-bar turns off automaticly after X seconds without changes?

Many thanks in advance for your hints and suggestions!

PS: Sorry for my rusty english

Hi its me again.

What I have realised now is, that in the now playing config the deamon ist set to a IP-Adress that Volumio is not using and it is also not reacheble

When I try to change and save it, nothing changes and it goes back to initial address

This is the really used adress:

Volumio is connected via ethernet, hotspot is enabled but not needed.

Could that be a hint in the right direction?

Many thanks in advance

See: [PLUGIN] Now Playing - #541 by patrickkfkan. and read a few post.

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Thank you for your hint, have nothing found when searching.

I can confirm that the following workaround solved the problem, well nearly:

  1. Stop Now Playing plugin
  2. Go to Volumio Network settings - is correct IP reported?
  3. Start Now Playing plugin and go to plugin settings - has the IP address changed to show the correct one?

After that, now playing was showing the right IP an Info View also worked on Phone and PC

So I know now that that’s the Problem. BUT, if I restart Volumie, the same problem occurs and the Adress is back to

Many thank for your help, the help I will definitely need as Linux-Noob :slight_smile:

OK, solved the problem with a workaround.
I had anyway assigned a fixed IP threw my routers DHCP-Server before, so that my Player is always reachable with the same IP.

I now asigned the sam fixed IP in the players network settings. With this workaround, the now playing plugin gets the right IP after restart.

Thanks again for the great plug-in and help!