This is exactly how I want it to be on “Now Playing” plugin. Showing lyric on my smartphone/tablet/computer while the screen that attaches to the raspberry pi showing peppymeter screen saving.
Hello all
i have a concern while using Now Playing plug in you can access to the Volumio interface from swipe function dock is there a way to prevent that from happening and keep the Preview Web tab for only browsing, changing the music etc
Not at the moment. I’ll consider adding an option to hide the button in the next version.
Thank you for your reply my kids keep playing with the settings and every time I have to do factory reset and spend time to mount the NAS and if you have any idea how I can connect my office NAS to Volumio at home I will be very appreciative
This is a great plugin! Thanks so much for your hard work.
Is it possible to use keyboard shortcuts to cycle through the basic info screen and the info screens?
I have a tv connected to the player, and it would be really great to be able to use keyboard shortcuts to change from basic view, to lyrics, artist and song info, then back to basic view.
thanks again
Is this plugin no longer working with the current Volumio version? I had to reflash my Pi4 with the latest version, started to rebuild my install after losing everything, installed the plugin, it gets to 60% and then the install screen closes, 2 minutes later and the Pi is no longer accessible over the network even after forced reboot, I’ve done this twice now with two different SD cards. Should be easy to reproduce : Volumio version : 3.757
Now Playing v0.7.4 runs fine on Volumio 3.757 on my pi 3B+ and pi 4B
I didn’t do anything but it is now working…I have no idea why.
Hi guys.
Is there also a way to show lyrics on the webbrowser gui or in the volumio app?
Point your web browser to http://<your volumio address>:4004
Must i also install the now playing plugin or any other plugin?
Thank you very much. Two last questions:
Is the now playing plugin for free or only for premium users?
Can you tell me please the settings for showing lyrics? Where can i find them finally in the web gui?
Three dots on upper right hand corner of screen → Info View → ‘ABC’ tab
Wow, everything works and looks nice.
Thank you.
But with my iphone i can not open „volumio ip:4004“. With other devices like android and windows it works fine. Somebody here who has an idea?
try using volumio.local:4004
I have to use it this way on my old windows tablet in order for it to work.
Volumio v. 3.779
I use Volumio exclusively for playing music from Spotify. I have a separate Spotify Premium account reserved for Volumio. Usually, after playing for a couple of hours, playback will stop by itself. Songs will still be available in the playlist. The screen will still show songs streaming, but no sound is being played. You manually need to either pause and play again or skip back or forward. Rebooting Volumio also works.
I would really like to use the “Now Playing” plugin because I really like all the custom settings that are available. However, using the Now Playing plugin lowers the response time on my screen so much that it is unusable. Why is this? Does anyone know? I have tried disabling most of the settings, but nothing helps.
Thank you in advance.
missed this one. Moving it to the correct post.