[PLUGIN] Now Playing

Hi, First of all thank you to @patrickkfkan for this plugin, I have a Raspberry official touch display and for me this is a big improvement over the standard interface.
I have two issues ,

  • if no volume control is selected I can’t tap “Switch to Volumio Interface”, when I select volume control to Hardware it works.
  • When I come back to Volumio Interface I see a lateral scrollbar.
    Thank you


My bad - I can reproduce this and confirm it is a bug. Will be fixed in the next version.

Will look into this.

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Yes, you can hide the play / pause… buttons in the plugin settings.

So when you turn the rotary encoder, the volume indicator should appear?

As for your suggestion about having more control over the interface, I really need to think about it as things can get quite complicated.

Yeah I did think that at the time, a bit of a nightmare I should imagine.

Another Idea I had…All info related items kept on the screen, like album cover, track title, progress meter, Volume indicator, all customizable. Pretty much like it is
But input buttons you could have favorites, search, playlist etc on a slide out panel from the side even the play, pause, shuffle, skip, etc could live in a slide up panel from the bottom, wouldnt be out of place
A very clean look.

Peronally I like an indication l of the volume always visible, so I know at a glance.


Hi Patrick,

Just found a bug with the plugin.
Volumio: V3.x
Screen: 7.9inch Capacitive Touch Screen LCD, 400×1280, HDMI, IPS, Toughened Glass Cover

When using Touch display and screen rotation, the plugin doesn’t handle the calibration settings for the touchscreen.
If I enable “Now Playing” the screen rotation is OK, but the Touch calibration gets a 90 deg offset. If I disable “Now Playing” the touch calibration is OK.

Hi Wheaton, the plugin just serves a web page (the “now playing” screen) to the Chromium browser that’s running on Volumio. The closest “system-level” modification done is to the volumiokiosk.sh script which simply changes http://localhost:3000 to http://localhost:4004 (the address through which the now playing screen is served).

One thing though… when the plugin is activated or deactivated, such as when Volumio starts or shuts down, the volumio-kiosk is restarted. I understand this will also trigger a restart of Xorg. I wonder if upon restarting, the calibration profile failed to load. But then, you said everything is working again after disabling the plugin… did you by any chance reboot Volumio after doing that?

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Nope, during de-activating the touch rotation was OK.
After rebooting the error is back and persistent, even though i uninstalled “now playing”

So now i am going to uninstall touch and now playing and reinstall. hopes this fixes the issue.

Sorry but I really don’t know how the plugin could be causing the issue, since it doesn’t modify Xorg config files at all.

I’m looking at the wiki for your display. It seems that the touch display plugin saves different settings for touch rotation. The wiki also mentions the display having a physical button at the back for changing the touch orientation :thinking:

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you’re correct. There is a button to rotate the touch orientation.
They also mention this:
“We recommend using the software modification method. Otherwise, when using the new system, it may cause touch reverse errors. At that time, you need to press and hold “Rotate Touch” to rotate.”

So for some reason loading the page through port 4004, seems to bypass/reset the rotation…
go figure.


Please let me know if you got it running again with touch rotation working (without the now playing plugin). I am rather curious as to why loading a web page (be it the default Volumio UI or now playing screen) could cause touch calibration to fail.

I remember when setting up my puny 3.5" touchscreen, the rotation done by the touch display plugin didn’t work and I had to follow the manufacturer’s instructions instead…

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Just finished the re-installation of touch display. Screen rotation set to 270deg. Touch orientation is ok,

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Good to know! By the way, do you know if there are any cases out there that could fit this screen together with a pi. Something like a slim chassis, preferably aluminum. Tempted to get one but couldn’t find any case for it…

I am waiting for this case to arrive:

in the mean time i’ve put it in/on an old case of the ReadyNas Duo.
put it on the side and used some old DVD cases to close the gaps.


Built in the new case:


Nice :slight_smile:

@Wheaten Excellent! Reminds me of those very pricey Technics amps.

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I just downloaded the Now Playing plugin, but under Volumio kiosk I see the following message:
“Kiosk script not detected or could not be read”
What can I do about it?
I’m currently running Volumio 3.165

I also installed the Touch Display plugin, because the internet referred to this plugin a lot when I searched for kiosk script.
Now I can click “Set to Now Playing” under Volumio Kiosk.
However, I don’t see anything change in the Volumio playback screen. Am I missing something?

So does the screen that is connected to your Volumio device still shows the default interface?

kiosk script is from touch plugin … @patrickkfkan i think he installed the wrong version of touch plugin.

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You need the kiosk script to enable display on the Volumio device itself.

@Rico , if you go to http://<your volumio address>:4004 what do you see?