[PLUGIN] MPD OLED - installation & configuration plugin

I think the voltage should be ok though.

something very odd going on here, when I install from your repo the plugin fails to start and has no options under settings.
when I install from the zip posted by balbuze, the plugin works, starts and has settings populated… but only 4 available screens.

I have replicated the failure to start on both my volumio 2 install and a fresh install of volumio 3.

note: when installing from the zip the version displayed is 0.0.45 and when from your gitrepo its 0.0.4
any ideas?

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Why don’t you simply install beta from the plugin store?

ok, needed to enable test mode to get it appearing in the store…
now it shows version 1.0.14 still only getting 5 screen options though, so i cannot select my specific screen, as its not listed…

I’ve double checked the UI config in the beta version and there should be 5 in the list.

Are you seeing these 5?

		"ITEM1": "1. Adafruit SPI 128x64",
		"ITEM3": "3. Adafruit I2C 128x64",
		"ITEM4": "4. Seeed I2C 128x64",
		"ITEM6": "6. SH1106 I2C 128x64",
		"ITEM7": "7. SH1106 SPI 128x64"

yes, those are the 5 that I am seeing listed.
how do i go about changing it over to the SSD1322?

These are the only screens that work with mpd_oled. SSD1322 is not supported :’( Has your screen worked with mpd_oled before?

what about SSD1306, or SSD1309 listed in the git repo?

You’ll have to send me a link. The only screens that should work with mpd_oled are these

  1 Adafruit SPI 128x64
  3 Adafruit I2C 128x64
  4 Seeed I2C 128x64
  6 SH1106 I2C 128x64
  7 SH1106 SPI 128x64

If you play about you might get your screen working with one of these display options… I have an SSD1309 and it works

link: volumio-plugins/plugins/miscellanea/mpd_oled at master · supercrab/volumio-plugins · GitHub

  • The mpd_oled program displays an information screen including a music frequency spectrum on an OLED screen connected to a Raspberry Pi (or similar) running MPD, this includes Moode, Volumio and RuneAudio. The program supports I2C and SPI 128x64 OLED displays with an SSD1306, SSD1309, SH1106 or SSH1106 controller.

ill attempt to get it working with one of the other listed options… its a 5.5" screen though.

Ah yes, I copied some of the info from the mpd_oled repo :blush:. (I didn’t write this program by the way only the plugin)

I have a couple of those 5.5 inch screens that you have and I tried to modify mpd_oled to support them. I was developing on a pi zero and it was painfully slow so I gave up. :laughing:

The author of mpd_oled did have plans to use a library called u8g2 (which supports lots of screens) and also support custom screen layouts. I think this work is on the back burner… :persevere:

ah, i see, ty…
i need to get this screen going to complete my retrofit of the bose wave, so it looks like i cant use this plugin then

thank you for the help

Hi ashrond

The development version of mpd_oled that includes a driver for the SSD1322 is at


However, there is no support for displaying to the whole screen of your display, so if it did work you would just see the the usual 128x64 area displayed (but could modify the display code to make more use of your screen). I don’t know what other issues are present in this code as I haven’t looked at it recently.


Ah, I’m gonna have to give the dev branch a go! I did extend mpd_oled to grab the cover art and display that it on the screen (I used ImageMagik to resize and convert the image to a monochrome image) It looked shite though. I did this a few years ago ibut it would work well with a 256 bit greyscale display. I have recently played with a json library that worked well. Just not enough time in the day to code and do everything I want :tired_face::tired_face::tired_face:

As if you didn’t have enough to do…… I’ve had to set scroll rate to 1 to reduce dropouts in audio. Is it possible to add the option to turn scrolling off completely? Would it reduce cpu usage significantly?

You could get a better pi or try and make the changes to mpd_oled yourself :laughing:

Hi Old_Duffer

I am not sure why changing the scroll rate setting has an effect, as it doesn’t involve any significant processing for mpd_oled (it just calculates where the text is displayed on the screen). However, if you want to stop the scrolling then use a setting like -s 1,10000000 (untested) which delays the start of scrolling for a large number of seconds.

To reduce CPU usage, reduce the number of spectrum bars and/or the framerate, e.g. -b 10 -f 15.


I installed that branch and its not working, says that it cannot open the device?..

volumio@volumio:~$ sudo systemctl status mpd_oled
● mpd_oled.service - MPD OLED Display
Loaded: loaded (/etc/systemd/system/mpd_oled.service; enabled; vendor preset: enabled)
Active: failed (Result: signal) since Fri 2022-09-09 00:55:55 PDT; 8s ago
Process: 7344 ExecStartPre=/usr/local/bin/mpd_oled_launch_test (code=exited, status=0/SUCCESS)
Process: 7345 ExecStart=/usr/local/bin/mpd_oled -o SSD1322,NHD_256X64,SPI,dc=24,reset=25 (code=killed, signal=ABRT)
Main PID: 7345 (code=killed, signal=ABRT)

Sep 09 00:55:55 volumio systemd[1]: Starting MPD OLED Display…
Sep 09 00:55:55 volumio systemd[1]: Started MPD OLED Display.
Sep 09 00:55:55 volumio mpd_oled[7345]: can’t open device: No such file or directory
Sep 09 00:55:55 volumio systemd[1]: mpd_oled.service: Main process exited, code=killed, status=6/ABRT
Sep 09 00:55:55 volumio systemd[1]: mpd_oled.service: Failed with result ‘signal’.

Have you enabled SPI?

ls /dev/spi*

Installed V1.0.14 on a rPi4-8GB, rev 1.4.
On install it works as expected but after a reboot is won’t start anymore. Even after pressing save again in the plugin setup page, mpd_oled won’t start.
I’ve fallen back to V0.0.45 as this works flawless.