First of all I’d like to thank you for your work on that plugin.
Said that, let me introduce some problems I put myself in regard to using miniDLNA.
I described my story here: Frustrations with SLOW interface on Raspberry Pi 4B - 15s++ loading times - #5 by uniqueusername
miniDLNA messes with Volumio in a way that makes Volumio’s UI crazy unresponsive. I’ve been dealing with that issue for a couple of months, unable to point to the plugin, as it isn’t squeezing any substantial resources out of the computer I run my Volumio on. There’s also nothing interesting in the logs.
At the end, after disabling miniDLNA Volumio is operating normally and snappy. I made a couple of tests switching the plugin on and off, and I’m sure that it’s its fault. On the other hand I can’t figure out what is going on there, and I’d like to figure this out. I need DLNA server.
PS: First thing that comes to mind is that miniDLNA might be indexing a music database, but I assure you that’s not the case. The problem is persistent regardless of what miniDLNA is doing; when it’s active - Volumio is slow as hell.
I’d like to kindly ask you to inspect my problem, letting us know if it’s an isolated case or maybe we have a bigger problem here.
I’d be happy to provide any data from my system helpful to solve the issue.