[PLUGIN] Jellyfin Server

Hi @praveensg8, I reported this to Patrick about 2 weeks ago on Github and he implemented a couple fixes that are in beta. Read the thread.

I have it installed as per his instructions and it works great.

Basically –
Plugin currently in beta channel. To update:

  • Uninstall current version, if any. Note: this will delete all Jellyfin configuration / playlists / bookmarks made under the current installation.
  • Restart Volumio
  • Enable “Plugins Test Mode” in http://<your volumio address>/dev
  • Go to plugin store → click Details button under Jellyfin Server plugin → install latest beta version

Then after install –
You can disable plugins test mode if you want. When the plugin gets released as ‘stable’, it is going to be exactly the same one you installed through ‘plugins test mode’.