[Plugin] GPIO Buttons: Control Volumio 2/ Volumio 3 with buttons

Hello friends
play/pause works great with a button, but I need it to work with a switch (ON - Play, OFF - Pause) Does anyone know how to do this?

I would strongly advise against it. Adding a permanent switch means your pulling a GPIO up or down continuously. Which will end up in defects. (PMIC)

I have been using a switch connected in this way for a long time to turn off my raspberry and have not had any problems. I only use GPIO 26

then you could try something like this. PREV is added to hold the button state and avoid that the code keeps being executed. (code is not tested)

# select pin GND - D0
# Print debug lines => 1 is print
# Common path for all GPIO access

# Utility function to export a pin if not already exported
  if [ ! -e $BASE_GPIO_PATH/gpio$1 ]; then
    echo "$1" > $BASE_GPIO_PATH/export

# Utility function to set a pin as an output
  echo "in" > $BASE_GPIO_PATH/gpio$1/direction

exportPin $GPIO0
setInput $GPIO0

# If debug == 1
if [ $debug == 1 ]; then
  echo "---------------------------------------------------"
  printf "GPIO 0: %s\n"  "${GPIO0}"
  printf "STATUS 0: %s\n"  "${STATUS0}"

# continuously monitor current value
while true; do
  sleep 1s
  STATUS0=$(cat $BASE_GPIO_PATH/gpio${GPIO0}/value)
  if [ $debug == 1 ]; then
  echo "---------------------------------------------------"
    printf "STATUS 0: %s\n"  "${STATUS0}"
    printf "PREV: %s\n"  "${PREV}"
  if [ "$STATUS0" == 1 ] && [ "$PREV" == 0 ]; then
	#Write here the code what needs to be done:

  elif [ "$STATUS0" == 0 ] && [ "$PREV" == 1 ]; then
	#Write here the code what needs to be done:




when I run the script I get an error

GPIO 0: 26


play.sh: line 47: syntax error near unexpected token `do’

play.sh: line 47: ` do something.'Preformatted text

Yeah, that’s is the part where you write the code what the button needs to do…

volumio play
volumio stop
volumio pause
volumio toggle
  if [ "$STATUS0" == 1 ] && [ "$PREV" == 0 ]; then
	volumio play
  elif [ "$STATUS0" == 0 ] && [ "$PREV" == 1 ]; then
	volumio stop

Is it possible to add a function that would toggle a LED driven via a transitor, perhaps every second, from a spare GPIO when volumio has been put into mute mode by the play / mute button?
At least it’s then possible to see from the front panel that volumio is in mute mode if no screen is connected.

Unfortunately my programming skills aren’t up to the job, so thanks in advance if this facility is added by someone.

First set you requirements correct. Play (media control) and mute (Audio control) are 2 different things.
The output voltage of a GPIO port is 3,3V which is already to high for a LED so you already need to add a resistor,. Adding a transistor seems an overkill.
If people want to step in, they need to know exactly what you want.

Thanks for the quick response Wheaten.

I just need a flashing LED to indicate Volumio is in pause mode.

The transistor was added rather than driving it direct from the IO pin, so yes, it was a bit of an overkill.

Hello, when I put the buttons for turn on and play and others, do I have to put resistors or not? So far I have installed the turn on/off button but I have not installed the resistor and everything is working great. Did it work according to the semi posted by Wheaten [Plugin] GPIO Buttons: Control Volumio 2/ Volumio 3 with buttons - #116 by Wheaten

i do advise to use resistors to avoid floating pins, which will cause unstable behavior.

ok thanks

Hi devs and everyone! I don’t if im in thr right thread, i just want to know or is there any way or execute command to know the available physical gpio pin. If, i have this st400 dac hat attached on rpi4?
Here’s my dac hat from geekworm https://www.amazon.com/Geekworm-Ultra-Thin-Raspberry-Aluminum-Embedded/dp/B096TV9164


An I2S DAC is apparently connected in the linked product. I2S cards usually use the GPIOs 2, 3 and 4.

My plugin GPIO control might be able to help you out. :pray:t4::wink:

Cheers supercrab, that’s great news.
Is there a link to it where i can download from?

Paul F.

just via the plugins within Volumio.

@paulf Check the plugin section in volumio, I think it’s in the system category.

I’m stuck trying to get the GPIO Buttons working on a RPI5, I can’t get the plugin (0.8.3) to function, it appears to install correctly however I’m not able to save any configuration settings and then it becomes “InActive”.
Anybody able to help me with some pointers to get these working?

Mark Z