please help!!!
how can download and install plugin from github server?
please help!!!
how can download and install plugin from github server?
Which one? Is it not available from the official source?
They normally have a readme with steps to follow…
I’m trying the volumio 3 and on my system i have 3 indispensable plugin and I’ll like use…
Not very detailed…
Okay, are you sure they are on github?
Please don’t install plugins on volumio 3 that are not on the store.
We are verifying them. Once done you will find them in the store
sofar as i could find the ones that he’s looking for are :
I’m wondering if I have missed the documentation on how we should submit plugins from now on. What I mean is, do we have to submit PRs separately for Volumio 2.x and 3.x?
We are preparing the docs for new plugins. Bear with us