Plays correct song, but displays previous track

Chiming in to say this happens to me too when playing from both Tidal and local files.

It doesn’t happen all of the time, only after a while of playing music which I haven’t timed. The behavior is the same from browser connections (volumio.local), mobile app, and a connected display via hdmi or DSI+gpio.

l’ll try to reproduce the error on different devices, extract logs, and update.

The problem with the incorrectly displayed track does not seem to occur in dthe latest test-version 3.669 here or to a lesser extent.
I look forward to the next official version being released. :slight_smile:

here the same


I updated to 3.669, but the problem is still there. The music from my NAS runs correctly, but sometimes with a ~2 seconds offset (previos Song still playing for 2 seconds when next track is already displayed). Playing from Tidal it still shows the previous track from the second song onwards.

You’re right, the problem still exists.
(Qobuz, 3.674)

I am missing a statement from the valued volumio support.
Would have liked to know if the problem is recognized and on the ToDo list.
Thanks, jens

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I remember that this topic has been addressed before.

Is there anything new about this problem?
Despite updating to 3.695 and also test version 3.703,
the problem unfortunately still exists.
It would be nice if it could be fixed.

Same here…


Hi, I have just upgraded to Premium subscription and to v3.702 so I can connect to Tidal.

I do not recall seeing this issue with the previous version with only local music files.

Very annoying especially as I’m now paying for a subscription.

I do hope that @volumio can fix this relatively soon.

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Note taken, and it will be added to the bug fixing to-do list!
Volumio Support Team

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Any news @volumio on when this bug fix will be implemented?

Until then, is there a workaround we can apply ourselves?


There is currently no work arround, but the DEV’s are working on this as we speak. No ETA yet.


Just FYI - Upgraded to 3.742 … problem not fixed yet.

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Same problem experiencing hopefully that volumio admins could able to fix this bug.

Hello all,

I’m just chiming in to ask how the work on this bug is progressing.

Currently (ver. 3.742), the UI from the web interface, Volumio app, and locally connected displays always runs into the issue, and is repeatable on different RPi4 devices.

Playback source doesn’t make a difference. Albums / playlists stored on the SD card, connected devices, or streaming services like Tidal are all affected, constantly ending up out of sync.

Hope we hear from you soon @volumio @Marco_Melziade !

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Hi! We are already taking care of this issue. Thanks for the patience
Volumio Support

I know it’s 2 days since the last update. I moved from a perfectly functioning roon system to volumio as its slightly cheaper. But this bug is driving me NUTS.

I agree that’s it’s a paid for service and while some bugs are to be expected this should be one that’s has been ironed out ages ago. Please guys can we at least get an estimated time frame when an update will be released that this will be solved.