If i try to make a playlist where the artist has a space in the name, it doesn’t add to the playlist. it stay’s empty. in the log this is logged:
2016-12-11T16:52:23.047Z - info: CoreCommandRouter::executeOnPlugin: mpd , handleBrowseUri
2016-12-11T16:52:23.048Z - info: CURURI: artists://System%20Of%20A%20Down
2016-12-11T16:52:32.172Z - info: [1481475152171] Listing playlists
2016-12-11T16:52:33.838Z - info: CoreCommandRouter::executeOnPlugin: mpd , lsInfo
2016-12-11T16:52:33.852Z - info: Error: [50@0] {lsinfo} Not found
Is this a bug?