I’m a newbie. Yesterday I created a playlist with about 50 tracks from my NAS. I actually created it twice because the first time I did it, when I fat-fingered an entry and pressed instead “Clear” then I lost the 50 I had previously added. An “are you sure”? would be nice there but I’ll add that in another forum.
Today I have found that for some reason the first song in the playlist must be unplayable. Attempts to play the list result in nothing. When I click on that first track it will not play. Subsequent tracks play ok. This unfortunately keeps me from learning the playlist behavior because what I think should happen I can’t test, for example if I play the playlist will it put all tracks in the queue and play them in random order if I have random selected on the playback control…I think so, but because that first track is “dead” the whole playlist if dead. BTW my efforts to remove the bad track from the playlist fail, it says it is removing it but doesn’t. One interesting thing to note, the track name when I try to remove it is not the actual artist/song, its a number/download.mp4 so it seems like it did not get resolved correctly or got screwed up. It seemed to be ok when I first created it… Is there another way to delete the bad entry? Or do I need to just kill the playlist and start again?
As a workaround, I tried to create a mirror playlist by selecting tracks 2-50 and selecting “Add to Playlist” and put them into Playlist 2. That does not seem to work. The control message (green box on upper right) says that the track was added to the desired playlist but it does not appear.
Thanks for any tips on getting rid of the bad track and “moving/copying” from one playlist to another…
Appreciate any advice. Happy Weekend!