playlist - GPIO - lcd

I’ m a newbie about all the stuff and raspberry. I’m trying to build a webradio and had much
trouble to get it all together.
I’m using a Raspberry PI3, Hifiberry AMP2 and a 16x2 display with I2C backpack. I want to use
GPIO push buttons to controll. After weeks I found Volumio and gave it a chance.
I’m using Volumio 2.389 with plugins GPIO-Buttons, HD44780 and autostart.
When I start the controll-center and the radio, there is nothing to contoll the radio, ok the volume
but nothing about the radiostation !?! You have to do 4 or 5 steps to change the radio station.
There are Back and Forward buttons on the radio surface with no function. That’s a choke !
The GPIO plugin works well with volume up/down but here’s also no chance for prev/next radio station.
Playing music from a playlist doesn’t work. Only one title is played. The prev/next buttons dont work.
The plugin for the I2C display workes fine only the station can’t be displayed.

I decided to update to 2.411
playlist does not work
GPIO Plugin does not work (inactive)
HD44780 Plugin does not work (inactive)
This wasn’t an update it was a downdate ! I switched back to 2.389

Please excuse my English