Player restart with premium account

Another problematic installation of Volumio 3 on a raspberry 4 4gb.

After reading a lot inn the forum I did:

several installation with balena etcher and raspberry pi imager
different class 10 sd
disable the UPNP and DNLA services

without luck and now I need your help.

My logs are:

Thank you


Hi your log is almost occupied with nothing else then:

Dec 04 21:26:21 volumio volumio[15736]: info: Discovery: Browse raised the following error Error: getaddrinfo -3007
Dec 04 21:26:21 volumio volumio[15736]: info: Discovery: Browse raised the following error Error: getaddrinfo -3007
Dec 04 21:26:21 volumio volumio[15736]: info: Discovery: Browse raised the following error Error: getaddrinfo -3007
Dec 04 21:26:32 volumio systemd-journald[202]: Suppressed 3235 messages from dbus.service
Dec 04 21:26:32 volumio dbus-daemon[464]: [system] The maximum number of active connections for UID 1000 has been reached (max_connections_per_user=256)
Dec 04 21:26:32 volumio volumio[15736]: info: Discovery: Browse raised the following error Error: dns service error: refused
Dec 04 21:26:32 volumio dbus-daemon[464]: [system] The maximum number of active connections for UID 1000 has been reached (max_connections_per_user=256)
Dec 04 21:26:32 volumio volumio[15736]: info: Discovery: Browse raised the following error Error: dns service error: refused
Dec 04 21:26:32 volumio dbus-daemon[464]: [system] The maximum number of active connections for UID 1000 has been reached (max_connections_per_user=256)
  • If you connected wireless, please connect to a cabled connection and try again.
  • As I see a lot of DNS erros. What DNS servers have you programmed in your router? Please try those form google. Primary: and secondary:

This issue has been fixed in the lastes beta release.
If you want please try to flash this image:

Would be very useful if you can report back if that fixes your issue

Dear Wheaten,
thank you for your help, I’m with a wired connection but I’m not able to change the dns configuration in my router because it is quite complicate to browse in the configuration page, I don want to make any mistakes.

Now I’m trying the new image that @volumio gave to me and seems to be working as aspected, if don’t, I will report here.

Thank you very much!

unfortunately no Luke with the beta image.
I use pi image to burn it in a wired connection and with a class 10 sd.
here the log:

tomorrow I will investigate how to change dns settings on my d-link router.

Thank you and have a good night

1 Like


Seems it’s DNS related in your case.

Dec 04 22:51:14 sala volumio[725]: |||||||||||||||||||||||| WARNING: FATAL ERROR |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Dec 04 22:51:14 sala volumio[725]: Error: getaddrinfo -3007
Dec 04 22:51:14 sala volumio[725]:     at errnoException (/volumio/node_modules/mdns/lib/resolver_sequence_tasks.js:199:11)
Dec 04 22:51:14 sala volumio[725]:     at getaddrinfo_complete (/volumio/node_modules/mdns/lib/resolver_sequence_tasks.js:112:10)
Dec 04 22:51:14 sala volumio[725]:     at GetAddrInfoReqWrap.oncomplete (/volumio/node_modules/mdns/lib/resolver_sequence_tasks.js:120:9) {
Dec 04 22:51:14 sala volumio[725]:   code: -3007,
Dec 04 22:51:14 sala volumio[725]:   errno: -3007,
Dec 04 22:51:14 sala volumio[725]:   syscall: 'getaddrinfo'
Dec 04 22:51:14 sala volumio[725]: }
Dec 04 22:51:14 sala volumio[725]: |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||

It’s MDNS (local network DNS).

Can you offer more information about your network? Which devices do you have ?

Can you disable multiroom plugin and see if that helps?

This seems to be the rootcause.

It’s happening in networks which either have a device advertising a service via mdns, or a “shadow” mdns entry (due to abrupt shutdown of devices in the network).

This issue is quite hard to diagnose since in most networks it just works…

Opened a thread on github, let’s see…

yeah, got a bit confused with the previous post. Log shows error 3007 and the previous posting 3008. :confused:

Dear all,
just an short update, changing the dns to google one (two to be more realistic), everything is fine, no more restart. Later I will change back the dns and I will put another sd with the beta image, in this way I can report if disabling the multiroom plugin let the system to be stable.

here the log:

Thank you for you support

Dear all,
after revert the dns and installed the beta provided by Volumio, the result was an unstable system, with restarts every few seconds.
Than I disable the multiroom plug in and the system became stable.
Just for have the confirm that multiroom plugin was the guilty, I enable it again but the system remain stable than I reboot the raspberry and the system remain stable.
Here the log:

my network is
router D-link DVA 5592>

cable to floor 1> TP-Link TL-SG108E
Roon Server (I7 Asus rog)
Server Daphile (Assembled pc)
Apple AirPort Extreme
apple Time capsule
Fing Hardware
Game PC
Audio Rip PC

cable to floor 2> TP-Link TL-SG108E
Samsung TV

Cable to raspberry 4 (Volumio)

I hope it helps you understand what messes things up

my best regards