planning to migrate to Volumio

Hi guys,

I am a new user to Volumio but a long time user of digital jukeboxes.
Started with my first digital jukebox around 2002. The used software was called “Otto Audio Jukebox v2”. After some years playing, someone created a nice fork of Otto that was called “Calliope Music Server” [1].

Otto and Calliope both are nice players with a slime web interface. For me the most important feature was and still is what often is called “AutoDJ”. The jukebox will automatically play songs until a user adds something to the playlist. Once the user requests have all been played it will continue to play random songs.

Since Otto and Calliope are somewhat prehistoric, it has become a pain to get it running on modern distributions.
Actually it had reached the point that I start searching for alternatives.

First I tried Madsonic/Subsonic and Ampache but didn’t really liked it.
At the moment I am running GrooveBasin [2] but the WebUI is too slow on large collections [3] and the AutoDJ function seems to lacks randomness.

Now I am here to give Volumio a extensive try. Main reason here is that Volumio runs on low power Raspiberries and I want to build a jukebox device for my camping bus.

Now I am working on a simple AutoDJ functionality for Volumio. So far I have a bash script that picks a random song and adds it to the play queue if it’s not in the list of forbidden genres.

Thanks a lot for all the work that you have done to bring us here !

Talk to you later :wink:


[3] mpc stats: Artists: 31346, Albums: 18973, Songs: 191526, DB Play Time: 824 days, 4:28:51

Hi Phil, and welcome :slight_smile:

Sounds like a good plugin might be made from this :wink:

Once this is working and more stable I will make a plugin out of it.
Not only for my own convenience :wink: