Picutres on the screen and in the program doesn't exist

Hello everybody,

I’m new in all of this and I try to set up some sounds in the computer. I’ve put an image in the mp3 in the tags, and also one picture in the folder in .jpeg in a not too big resolution.

But still, it does’nt work…

Can someone help me with that please ?

Thanks! xx

Your embedded image (the one in the audio file won’t work in Volumio as far as I can tell.
You are correct to put the album cover image in the same directory as the audio files
Band 1
-Album 1
–Song 1
–Song 2

Keep the image under 1 MB in file size, make sure it’s named folder.jpg or cover.jpg
(you can also use png I believe).
I size mine to 500 pixels x 500 pixels, but I know larger (at least up to 1400 pixels works as long as the file size is under 1 MB.

You might need to refresh the folder, and possibly refresh/update the music collection under settings, there’s also an image cache refresh function in settings.

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