Pi4 with Volumio

How do I access my headless PI4 once Volumio is loaded? Is the volumio IP same as Raspberry Pi? I can remotly access Volumio with Putty. When I use the same IP and log in as pi with raspberry password, I get denied access.

How did you configure SSH for putty f you can’t connect it?
But yes, this is the same IP.
Use http://IP or http://volumio.local (not Https :wink:)

As described here you can access Volumio via SSH as user volumio. Password is volumio, too.

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Thanks for the reply…but the issue is not logging into Volumio. I can log into volumio as described above. I should probably be more specific. I want to monitor the temperature of the cpu in the PI4. I need to log into the PI4, not volumio. I have tried to login as username pi and password raspberry using the same ip as volumio but it does not work.

There is no ‘Pi’ when you’re running Volumio.
There is only one instance of the Linux kernel running, that’s the Volumio customised one.
So you won’t have a full range of commands and tools available like you might expect on a full Linux distribution.
Just SSH to Volumio or the IP address and see what tools are available to monitor the OS and hardware.


You can install the plugin Systeminfo to get information such as CPU temperature.
Note - using SSH you have Linux shell with all standard commands.

RPi ships with its own Debian-based OS. The password for that OS is raspberry (iirc). When you flash Volumio onto your micro-SD card, the RPi OS is overwritten by Volumio’s own OS. which has its own UID/PW combo, different from the one that ships with RPi’s OS.

With the RPi OS, one needs to access the device with a portal program such as VNCviewer. VNCviewer is a graphical terminal application that allows graphical access to the RPi through your computer’s monitor. As RPi was initially created as a teaching device, the set up is designed to make it easy to work at the system level to do different types of projects.

The Volumio OS accesses the RPi through a browser and looks and feels like a program rather than an OS. To get behind the curtain, you can use putty as a line editor to make changes beyond the Volumio shell. But if you’re competent with Linux programming, you’re probably not asking this question.

I’m in the same boat. It took me a while to figure out that Volumio isn’t just some program running on the RPi; rather, it’s the actual OS. The GUI that shows up on my browser looking like a program is the actual OS. For me, there’s nothing I need to do beyond that GUI.

I struggled with figuring out how to load VNC Viewer onto the RPi so I could go look around the way I was able to when Raspberian was still the OS. Then I decided to just listen to music. :slight_smile:

rhoneyman, thanks for detailed explanation. That is very helpful and now understand. Had no idea Volumio overwrites RPI’s OS. I dowloaded the plugin Systeminfo which shows the core temp as recommended by balbuze.