is anyone successfully running the latest Volumio on Pi Zero W plus Hifiberry Miniamp? If yes, can you post how you configured the thing?
I flashed the latest Volumio 2.129, removed the onboard driver from boot/config.txt and added dtoverlay=hifiberry-dac to the same file, in accordance with the hifiberry documentation at … ux-3-18-x/.
According to Hifiberry, the Miniamp does not support hardware mixer control, and it does indeed not show up in the volumio settings.
So I choose software mixer but get no sound at all.
Can someone help?
There is no need to edit file by hand to use hifierry DAC (don’t know for miniamp but same overlay). Just enable i2s DAC in volumio settings, choose hifierry as DAC save reboot. After that select software mixer save and it should be ok
Hi, I am too trying to run Volumio on Pi Zero W and the Miniamp. I was able to select DAC model as “Hifiberry DAC” but after reboot the volume control defaults to undefined. Music plays but on 100% volume. When I try to change this to “Software”, Volumio UI stops working although it still responds to SSH. After rebooting it’s still undefined. Also, I can control volume using Spotify Connect plugin.
Yesterday I spend some hours to fix this issue but without success.
I think the problem occurs when the volume control is switched to “software” and the “save” button was pressed.
The file /etc/mpd.conf seems to be damaged.
I tried several changes in the files /etc/mpd.conf and /etc/asound.conf . At least I was able to control the volume via ssh “mpc volume -10” …
But I wasn´t able to control the volume vie the Web UI.
I solved the issue too, no clear idea how, it seemed to me that the ipad safari browser might have an issue with saving the settings. It worked when I used my pc