Inspired by @pparreira (see at mypiamp-project-volumio-rpi-dac-remote-lcd-t3543.html) I develop my own PI-HIFI device in a STB case. I did not consider the amplifier part, as I have an AVR to be used.
You may consider my work as an evolution of the above project, with some some differences.
The main is to replace the LCD with an VFD using i2c connection. I know that @pparreira complain about availability of GPIO after using DAC, but I avoid this issue with an GPIO expander.
The list of new components:
- GPIO expander :
Connected to RPi with a 40 pins cable and DAC pluged on this. - i2c board: … SwZQRYgIMA
- VFD display: … EBIDX%3AIT
Also to have a fast acces to uSd card I use an extension like this: … EBIDX%3AIT
Another thing that I had to change was the Phython script which did not work at the beginning. I am not a programmer, so it was difficult to identify what was the problem. To be onest, I do not know what i had done, maybe some changes related to indentation.
To do - IR using an old remote. As the IR on the DAC is not visible, I will use the GPIO approach.
What I have to complain - using volumio 2.129 i did not play DSD, but this is a different story.
A picture attached, I will come back with interior later.