Ciao, I’ve managed to connect the Pi display without I2s pins on GPIO.
I’ve the Hyfiberry DAC+ connected to the GPIO, just brought +5V and GND to display board and works perfectly, display and touch funtions.
I guess all the video signals pass thru the ribbon cable.
Is even possible to power the diplay thru USB, just connect the power supply to the display board and a USB cable form the display board to the PI.
This sounds almost exactly like what I was trying to sort out. At least, hopefully before I buy a bunch of parts I can’t get to work together.
So, I was looking at various dac+amp hats, because that seems to be the way to go, but also would like the pi display for controls and I can’t seem to find where someone has done that or really clear direction (I’m super new to this) on what pins are needed to go to where. It seems like the amp hat uses some of the same pins as the display, not just power and ground.