I have tried to setup volumio 2.834 on rp0w with pHat dac but no sound is available. I tried to follow instructions on pimoroni website but after ssh the pi a message appears saying this system is bit supported. How do i progress?
Settings - Playback options - Volume options:
Mixer type = Software ?
Yes i did following some instructions i have found. Still no success
So my real question before resolder everything is if phat DAC works out of the box with volumio or need some other deeper adjustment as it is described in the product description knowing the fact that it concerns only raspbian systems.
Hi @Glider
For me it worked out of the box , the only thing was that I had to change to Software
and I didn’t had the confidence to solder my self, hired a pro for that
Thanks that what i wanted to know, seems certainly the soldeing was not quite right, i will re do the job. Thanks again.