Volumio Version:2.882
Hardware: pi4 4gb
DAC:hifi berry dac+ pro
My issue is I can’t install the driver for my petrockblock powerblock. I have been all over google and it won’t work. Has anyone successfully installed it yet? Please help. I am very new to the pi world. My first project.
Ahh ok. None of the how-to’s said that. Well. Ill try again. I just wish there was a tutorial for every scenario. Every powerblock install is raspian or retropi.
you can do that with putty and go to the folder and from there you run install.sh
cd home/volumio/name of the folder
and ls will show if your there already …
if it doesn’t start use : chmod +x install.sh or chmod 755 install.sh
Ok so I got it working. But then as soon as I plugged in my hifiberry dac+ pro. I got a restart loop. And after some digging around. I found out that. Both hats share GPIO pin 18. So does that mean I can’t use the 2 hats together or can they be set to use a different pin? ESs help. @Florian
This is my real bugbear with HATs. GPIO sounds (and is) wonderful, but you are indeed limited to those pins. Sometimes you can change around the GPIO pins used, but i2s seems to be pretty much restricted (for whatever reason). GPIO18 is a common problem… I recently have cannibalised a fan shim to remove such a conflict (but lost all the nice leds and temperature based fan control).
i wrote that in your other post ssh with putty : sudo shutdown or with the UI shutdown >> power off
there is a other hat but don’t know if that will give the same problems…