I open this post to share with enthusiasts my experience of the transition from Rivo to Rivo plus. First of all, the switch was easy as the Rivo was valued at the purchase price and I only paid the difference for the upgraded product. I was already satisfied with the use of the Rivo in my system and I was looking for the usual small upgrades to make on my listening chain (made up of Epicure A500 speakers, Itacustic integrated amplifier, RME AD2 Dac, Volumio Rivo, and as a filter Gigawat PC2 Evo plus power supply), such as replacing cables, giving linear power supplies to the DAC and the Volumio. In my setting I mostly listen to high definition music or from my ripped CDs contained in an HD connected directly to the Rivo’s USB port. I couldn’t believe my ears due to the huge difference in listening that the switch from the Rivo to the Rivo plus caused, the HD music constantly revealed environmental information which was not constant before. The sound stage expanded and the instruments appeared more defined and precise in their localization. The mids and voices are well defined and clear in their nuances, as they were previously but with better definition, naturalness, and listening pleasure The bass gained definition and appeared more articulate and controlled. The impact gave the impression of great musicality and fullness of listening. What surprised me even more is that my wife, who previously always made me lower the playback volume, has no longer asked me to do so since I got the Rivo Plus. In short, the impression since I inserted the Rivo plus was that I had made an incredible upgrade to my system!
What is procedure to switch from Rivo to Rivo+ ?
First I wrote to assistance of volumio. They answered that if I had the rivo and the package in functionally and aesthetically good conditions would be possible to do the upgrade paying the difference and giving back the rivo. I hope that thsi will work olso for You. It is a very good change!
Hi Robert,
Thank you for your interest in upgrading to a Rivo+.
A product swap is available only within 30 days of purchase of the Rivo Classic or Black Rivo, and is applicable exclusively within the European Union. Unfortunately, swaps are not permitted after the 30-day window.
If you have any further questions, feel free to reach me out at marco@volumio.org
Best regards,
We should know about for 30 days swap in advance
Yes, I changed my Volumio Rivo with Rivo plus after 20 days from the purchase.
Rivo worked fine but the plus version is really much better!!
I am currently undecided on whether to ‘upgrade’ to the Rivo Plus as there are less than a handful of reviews on the internet. I have asked our local retailer and they have not made any comparison yet which further increases my hesitation. I am glad you have heard a difference and shared your experience. I will be using my current Ifi Elite power supply if and when I move to the Plus. I hope others in the community who have moved to the Plus will also chime in on the sound difference between the two Rivo.
Hi Timmy, i already use the Volumio 5v 5A power supply and also this make the difference with the power supply given with the device.
It would be great if you found someone in the community who has the Rivo Plus and would let you test your Rivo to be able to appreciate if there is a difference at least in his system. But i pubblisced this post to confirm that in my sistem Rivo plus has given a great difference and I use it as a streamer only for internet radio wich offer a signal of max 320kbs; for high quality audio i use my music stored in ssd hd. I can assure that the quality of reproduction increased in both situations more than using the linear power supply.
I hope that this help!
Good music!!
Bought the original primo back in 2022 then progressed to a Rivo. Your now saying it can be upgraded to Rivo+ but only if within a certain relatively short time after buying.How about mine, one of the earlier Rivo’s Blue front. Would like that upgraded. Ive already spent £1600 on your 1st two stand alone streamers. What is the problem with upgrading the 1st Rivo’s of the shelf?
UK…West Midlands
I Have not upgraded my Rivo to Rivo Plus but sent back my Rivo to Volumio end than I Bought Volumio Rivo plus. I had no problems to substitute my Rivo with Rivo Plus.
I hope that this help!