I present my home made Volumio player. I wanted to have a completely stand alone player, with no need of using smartphone to control it, so that everyone at home can use it.
The hardware is Raspberry Pi4 and HifiBerry DAC2HD. As display there is Waveshare 7’’ touch LCD. Additionally there is power supplier based on toroidal transformer and voltage regulator with LM350. Heat radiators are for diodes bridge and LM350. To set precisely the voltage 5,15V I used multirotational potentiometer.
The housing is bought from Polish supplier. External dimentions are 23,5 x 12,5 cm (front panel) x 28,5cm depth.
Pictures are very detailed with some scratches on the housing, in real it looks really good and you would not pay any attention on any flaws.
On the back there is double USB terminal to connect storage and 230V terminal with fuses and main switch.
Main switch powers up the power supply, front backlited switch powers up Raspberry, Hifiberry and LCD. To switch off you need to shut down Volumio system and switch off front backlited switch.
Holes on the back allows to put RCA plugs directly to HifiBerry terminals, I wanted to avoid any additional connections for the best sound. So RCA terminals are distanced from back panel because I had to fit power plug and knee type HDMI plug to Raspberry.
I use plugins: Radio357 and Touchscreen for LCD. To have proper density and positions on 7’’ display, I put additional code in userconfig.txt file ( it is described in the internet).
Recently there were software issues with ALSA mixer on Volumio and HifiBerry (so I had to install older Volumio ver.), but now they are solved and hopefully solved forever in future Volumio releases.
I hope you find my player nice.
Unfortunately I can’t upload more pictures and a film - @volumio team, please advise how can I do it.
Hi Arthur!
First, thank you for participating in our contest!
We are really happy that we can share our passion with you and vice versa!
Nice look by the way
What I would recommend, is to wait for the submission to open on the 30th of September!
You will be able to share your project info, as well as pictures and videos. A dedicated form will be posted here.
Is the contest open until and include Friday the 11th? Meaning the contest closes at Friday 11/10 23:59?
I’m waiting for some parts that arrive Friday…
Hi @muniskiu !
Thank you for your submission!
As the contest is closed, I’ll add it to our internal reviewing page.
If you want, you can provide additional details about it, like a short description along with a few specs.
As you want!
Have a good day,