Anyone working on multiroom that wants to team on getting the Spotify plugin to work into snapcast? Or if someone on the dev team is farther along on this I will be happy to test across configs and versions of Raspberry Pi. I also have a developer friend that is more fluent in node.js and is willing to add a web page into Volumio to control the snapcast node volumes like the snapcast android app does. Fairly simple API calls to snapserver it appears.
I have snapcast working with Volumio2 just fine with synched sound to four nodes for NAS, web radio etc. multiroom-audio-output-from-volumio-with-snapcast-t3217.html
I have not yet been successful getting the Spotify plug-in to work with snapcast after trying some things to get Sox output from the Spotify plugin to output correctly to a pipe into snapserver. But I feel I am close, but no cigar yet .
Enjoying multi-room