OS on SSD to make system snappier?

As the title states! Im pretty illiterate regarding python etc but Im a lifetime pass keeper and used volumio last couple of years but hearing people talk about how snappy Wiim is in comparison is the only thing that keeps nudging med in the back of the head, especially when the loading wheel spins or i suddenly loose contact with my streamers or some stuff.

Generally i love it, could i get a SSD and boot via the USB ports for better result or one of those disks that look like old RAM memory? another hat? Thanks in advance hackers!

Using USB to boot from will gain you some stability (avoid corrupted SD etc).
It will boot 30-40% faster (50-60sec). The best results will be with an rPi5 and HAT.

You can’t compare the WiiM with Volumio.
The WiiM is built on dedicated hardware with embedded software, while Volumio OS is built for a variety of hardware (x86/rPi’s) and with even more options on DAC’s, Hats,…

Allright, gottcha, imma stay true to volumio either way since i like building the little streamers and have ambitions to tinker more with the software within time and Tidal connect has been working well for some time now! Would a rpi5 with a hat and the ssd make a big noticeable difference?

here is a topic on this matter. Haven’t test it myself as booting in 50 sec or 2 min can’t justify the price difference for me. As I have all my music stored on a NAS, it would only give some boot improvements and stability gain in regards to a SD.