Sorry, but things seem to actually getting worse from previous implementation!
First of all this issue is still present, which is making Volumio rather useless for me, as Qobuz is my main source: each and every track stops after about a minute! (see curl errors in the log)
Then, has become much more difficult to search for specific albums or tracks.
For example: before, to reach for this album I simply wrote in the search bar (which is always way too short, as I once wrote here, receiving no answer whatsoever) “scarlatti ross 20”.
Now… I tried this and many other search strings to no avail. I finally reached it at about twentieth trial not remembering exactly how!
About this issue and searching in general, a feature that lacks from official Qobuz app is the possibility to set a default genre (i.e. ‘classical’) to filter results.
Sorry for being crude, I wanted to go straight to the point, nevertheless I really really applaude your efforts to improve Qobuz intergration and looking forward to see it getting better. Please keep it up!