It seems like the onVolumioShutdown function in a plugin gets called if I shut Volumio down via the web UI, but doesn’t get called if I stop it using volumio vstop or shutdown -h at the command line. Is that expected behaviour? Does anyone know if there is a way for a plugin to get notified when Volumio is stopping because of a volumio vstop?
It seems like the onVolumioShutdown function in a plugin gets called if I shut Volumio down via the web UI, but doesn’t get called if I stop it using volumio vstop or shutdown -h at the command line. Is that expected behaviour? Does anyone know if there is a way for a plugin to get notified when Volumio is stopping because of a volumio vstop ?
Those sorts of “hard” shutdowns just send a SIGTERM to the volumio process, so no, there’s no way to intercept them, or to get some plugin code to run before the process exits.
Thanks for confirming.