OLED spectrum display on Volumio on Raspberry Pi Zero W

Hi Adrian,
OK, then I will wait :). Everything comes with a price. In my case no cava with spotify.

Nope, Spotify uses a custom daemon (spop/vollibrespot) to fetch encrypted audio directly from Spotify’s servers, and the proceeds to decrypt and play it. This wouldn’t be possible to do via mpd as it would go against Spotify’s Terms Of Service…

I have just pushed a major update to the mpd_oled repository to make the installation process easier.


Please let me know about about any issues.

There is no need to update an existing mpd_oled install as there are no new program features.


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Been following this thread for a little while. Thanks for creating this and troubleshooting for everyone. Despite my limited technical knowledge, I’m going to give this screen a shot soon, but it appears your most recently posted github link is a dead end. Do you have an updated one?

Hi FradSevage

Thanks, I didn’t know the link wasn’t working. The main repository link (which also displays the README) is



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You might wanna try my unofficial plugin which will installs Adrian’s software (from a slightly older but stable repository) and lets you configure the screen from within the volumio UI.


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Awesome. Huge thanks to you, @supercrab, and @adrii both for creating this fun stuff, sharing it, and keeping it up to date and usable for all.

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You’re welcome :slight_smile: @Adrii did the hard work really but the plugin is really handy.

This is team work :).

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Team work makes the dream work.

I forgot to mention that a few people also helped out with the translations too.

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Hi ,

I am trying to install the mpd oled from binary on volumio beta version for RPI. I have receive some errors. Could you please help me on this out err1_beta_buster_binary.txt (2.2 KB) .

Hi Florin

The message says there is no space available on some device (maybe /var/log) and so the mpd_oled package has not been installed, and the next command, whjch is included in the package, is therefore not found

apt_pkg.Error: E:Write error - ~LZMAFILE (28: No space left on device)
Error during install: 'installArchives() failed'mpd_oled_volumio_install_latest.sh: line 5: mpd_oled_usrlocal_check: command not found


Hello Adrian,
Yes, the /var/log is full. It has only 20M. On volumio 2 I did not had that issue. It is ok to be full after only installing 2 plugins and to have only 20M on the buster version

Hi Florin

I don’t know, I haven’t installed the beta version.


Can you check if the partition has been expanded? Use


To check if the whole SD is used

Hi @balbuze
is not the same as :

volumio@volumio:~$ df -h
Filesystem Size Used Avail Use% Mounted on
/dev/mmcblk0p2 2.5G 426M 1.9G 19% /imgpart
/dev/loop0 358M 358M 0 100% /static
overlay 12G 1.2G 11G 11% /
devtmpfs 912M 0 912M 0% /dev
tmpfs 956M 98M 858M 11% /dev/shm
tmpfs 956M 21M 936M 3% /run
tmpfs 5.0M 4.0K 5.0M 1% /run/lock
tmpfs 956M 0 956M 0% /sys/fs/cgroup
tmpfs 956M 0 956M 0% /var/spool/cups
tmpfs 956M 4.7M 951M 1% /tmp
tmpfs 20M 20M 0 100% /var/log
tmpfs 956M 0 956M 0% /var/spool/cups/tmp
/dev/mmcblk0p1 92M 61M 31M 67% /boot
tmpfs 192M 0 192M 0% /run/user/1000


Hi balbuze

While you are here… do you know if anyone (you?) is making a plugin for Volumio 3 that a user will be able to configure to make a copy of the audio for any application that wants it?


Have a look at the doc. In plugin section it is documented now. And in my repo, branch alsa modular, you’ll find such a plugin in audio interfaces (eq10 bands, Parameq4volumio) or in miscellaneous, peppymeter

Hi balbuze

Do any of these plugins allow the user to configure a copy of the audio for any application that wants it, or are they just examples of using the new system for custom ALSA configurations?

It seems best that a single plugin should be responsible for making all copies of the audio, but if different plugins want to make a copy of the audio how should they avoid conflicts with other plugins when making use of the ALSA loopback device. I searched the Volumio 3 docs but could not find anything about this.


Hi Balbuze,

Please find atached the df output. I think all SD card is used.
Thanks Buster_partition_16gb_SD_card.txt (751 Bytes)
