Thanks Robert. It is all as you described. Except I had not rebooted afterward. And to be clear, not only have I been entering the WiFi SSID and Security Password, I’ve gone to the trouble of going into the router’s configuration pages, and copying and pasting those strings from the router. So there’s zero chance of my misspelling either. Plus - as I indicated in my first post - I took the Volumio Beta1.2 MicroSD card out of the Cubox, inserted a MicroSD with an Android build on it, and was able to quickly and successfully configure it for WiFi access. So the box works, and I am able to configure it. When it works.
But following your advice lead to an adventure. After rebooting, I could not access the device at all. Not over WiFi, not with it plugged into my ethernet network. Yet as it powered up, my Dragonfly DAC went through its normal sequence of colored lights, indicating - at any rate - that my DAC was happy. But there was no getting to the device through its webpage.
That happened when trying to configure WiFi for “No security” security option. So I re-flashed the card, and repeated the experiment. Same result - able to get to the device webpages (over ethernet) until I tried to configure WiFi for “No security”, and rebooted. As before, the device webpages became totally unreachable.
I reflashing again, and tried the “WPA/WPS2 - Personal” security option, and rebooted. This time I could get back into the device webpages. But only over cabled ethernet. Still no Wifi.
In these various reboot, reflash, try to connect adventures, I noted two different values for “Interface wlan0” at various times. They were:
wlan0 IP address:
- and -
wlan0 IP address: — NO INTERFACE PRESENT —
So having last tried to use the “WPA/WPS2 - Personal” security option, and rebooting, I’m back in the device network configuration webpage. But oddly now the DHCP dropdown box has the value “Nothing selected” showing. Stranger still, if I click that dropbox to indicate that I want it to use DHCP, there’s nothing to select. The only option available for selection is the value “Nothing selected”.
Something with Wifi in this build is broken. I guess I’m about to reflash. Again.