No web UI via ethernet

Hi all,

Downloaded and flashed volumio to my rPi 4B this weekend. Initially connected via ethernet. It showed up on DHCP, obtained an IP and I was able to SSH in, but could not access the web ui.

Connected to the hotspot and configured the wifi connection instead, web ui started working. When I connect ethernet again, it stops.

Has anyone else experienced this? Seems like it’d be a super common issue if the recommended connection method is ethernet and it’s the first thing you hit. But I don’t see much about it posted here.

There’s nothing special about my network, just a switch and then the standard consumer wifi router. No issues with any other ethernet devices and SSH works fine, so assuming software issue.


i would advice static ip works better and you know what ip you have :stuck_out_tongue:


The reason you don’t find much on this matter, it’s no common behavior.
I would suggest to flash a fresh SD with raspberry pi imager.
The UI should show up as http://<devicename>.local or via it’s IP. http://<ip-address>

And I would suggest to assign the MAC of your device in the router to an IP, so it will always show up on this IP.


Thanks for the replies. I reflashed with PI Imager as suggested using its built in OS selection (had used etcher and a manual download the first time).

The behaviour remains. I can SSH fine via either the ip or hostname, but the web UI does not load. Not in a connection denied kind of way, just forever trying (the tab title/header loads but the connections for the .js assets just hang)

Before the reflash I disabled WiFi and connected Ethernet while it was running. The music continued to play via Tidal Connect including progressing to the next track, but again the web service was lost and I could not re-establish the connection to Tidal Connect from the iOS app. SSH remained available.

I can’t speak to the Tidal Connect protocol but since SSH works, the signs point to an issue with the web service on the Ethernet interface.

I’m a tech professional with a networking degree and if I’m the only one having this issue then it’s a mystery to me. Are we certain this isn’t a recent bug?


Download the image form and flash with raspberry pi imager.
Volumio has no control on the images provided default by Raspberry Imager, so don’t use these.
Do not flash with Balena, as thsi si causing more issues than solutions.

This is not a bug, otherwise the forum would be flooded with this.

You’re right. It was the bloody ethernet cable.

I guess the TX was impaired, hence enough bandwidth for SSH but not the WebUI.


The plot thickens. It’s that it doesn’t like the switch.

Direct to router is fine, any connection from the switch is bad. This switch has an XBOX, PS4, and Sky box connected all working perfectly. The issue sounds similar to this one here:

edit: I have ordered a new switch to rule it out

Darn, yes these kind of things are a pain to debug. Let’s hope the new switch resolves your issue.

maybe a idea to put volumio on your router instead on the switch.