I just install volumio last build on my Raspberry pi 3 with hifiberry digi+ it works well but i can’t control the volume, it is always the maximum…
How can i make it working ?
Finished means stable version…
Not finished means Alpha, beta, and RC version.
Usually some developpers give them soft in beta to allow users to test it before it is finished.
What the Hell I said wrong ? Don’t understand why you get angry about that…
Volumio 1.55 had it out-of-the-box too, but that does not count anymore. This is not a Volumio1.55/Rune0.4/Moode update version, Volumio 2 has been rewritten from scratch. There is no releation with the old code and therefore irrelevant. Volume control will come, no doubt about that. Hopefully it is in the first release.