Hi all,
This week I installed a new volumio (version 3.198) on a Raspberry-4 with a 7-inch touch display and 64GB SD card.
I tried to find the plugin “touch display” under the menue item "Plugins → “Miscellanea” which seems to be not there anymore.
I found the plugin under “Plugins → System Hardware” and tried to install it. I received an error
“no space left on device … mkdir /data/temp”.
I logged on via ssh and checked it.
Yes it is 100% full and the question is how I can solve this?
I mean, I did not use any beta version, upgrade, unofficial topics… . I just installed volumio and thatś it!
Here is the output from my “df” on my volumio-box:
volumio@volumiobox:/data$ df -k .
Filesystem 1K-blocks Used Available Use% Mounted on
overlay 134727 128798 0 100% /
volumio@volumiobox:/data$ df -k
Filesystem 1K-blocks Used Available Use% Mounted on
/dev/mmcblk0p2 2532792 434388 1950028 19% /imgpart
overlay 134727 128798 0 100% /
devtmpfs 940828 0 940828 0% /dev
tmpfs 981136 0 981136 0% /dev/shm
tmpfs 981136 9164 971972 1% /run
tmpfs 5120 4 5116 1% /run/lock
tmpfs 981136 0 981136 0% /sys/fs/cgroup
tmpfs 981136 40 981096 1% /tmp
tmpfs 981136 0 981136 0% /var/spool/cups
tmpfs 20480 36 20444 1% /var/log
tmpfs 981136 0 981136 0% /var/spool/cups/tmp
/dev/mmcblk0p1 93548 54960 38588 59% /boot
tmpfs 196224 0 196224 0% /run/user/1000
Did you wait several minutes after the first boot so the data partition could fully expand? On a system where the data partition had not been expanded there is typically not enough space for all the software the Touch Display plugin needs and tries to download.
You may try running
touch /boot/resize-volumio-datapart
and rebooting.
Check if size of “overlay” is bigger after that. Proceed only if that’s the case.
Then, if the Touch Display plugin should already appear in the list of installed plugins despite the “no space left” issue you had, uninstall and reinstall it from the plugin store.
I tried"touch /boot/resize-volumio-datapart" and rebootet → no effect.
I installed the SD card new with PI Imager from scratch.
After 1st boot I went shopping, so ~1h away
Anyway I have the same issue.
After installation of plugin “TouchDisplay 3.3.1” the overlay filesystem went to 100%
Before the plugin installation:
olumio@volumiobox:~$ df -k|grep
Filesystem 1K-blocks Used Available Use% Mounted on
/dev/mmcblk0p2 2532792 434388 1950028 19% /imgpart
/dev/loop0 371840 371840 0 100% /static
overlay 134727 17575 107117 15% /
After the plugin installation:
olumio@volumiobox:~$ df -k
Filesystem 1K-blocks Used Available Use% Mounted on
/dev/mmcblk0p2 2532792 434388 1950028 19% /imgpart
/dev/loop0 371840 371840 0 100% /static
overlay 134727 131860 0 100% /
So, when I try to enable the plugin I receive an error: Failed to start /usr/bin/sudo/bin/systemctl start volumio-kiosk.service …not found"
I tried to de-install the plugin and afterwards isntall once more, then the “…no spaceleft…” error comes again.
I believe there is definitely something wrong with the extension of the filesystem.
How can I do this manually ?
Many thanks
Best regards
I used the “Raspberry PI Imager v1.6.2” and then selected “Use a custom” to select the img-file.
SD card is “Sandisk microSDHC UHS-I 64GB class10” .
This is not the case for Volumio 3, it will check with every restart whether there is any free space left and expand when it is the case.
Somehow, and this issue is already known form Volumio 2, there seems to be an issue with higher capacity SD cards where the free size check obviously fails (sometimes).
@Eduardo2022 Could you please re-flash your SD card and do a test?
Perhaps we can get rid of this issue once and for all.
Just go through the install wizard but do not install anything extra.
Then do a log, followed by the following two commands, one after the other. Howto: Send a log
There is a difference in the use of " (quote) around the device, this is intended.
Please also check if /boot still holds a resize-volumio-datapart file.
The log will show us how the init routine handled the re-size (if at all).
The first command will show the number of free MB, the second one the SD card’s max size.
The resize file is not there:
volumio@volumiobox:/boot$ pwd
olumio@volumiobox:/boot$ ls -l resize-volumio-datapart
ls: cannot access ‘resize-volumio-datapart’: No such file or directory
I also checked with “ls” command to see what files are in /boot, but no file that contains the word"size".
Just one topic to be highlightes, I am not sure if you interpreted the commands the right way.
Let’s use the 2 commands (deleted the last grep) from you once more, 1st with quotes (error message) and 2nd without quotes (96.5MB) - see below
volumio@volumiobox:/boot$ sudo parted -s "/dev/mmcblk0 unit MB print free| grep Free| tail -1| awk '{print $2}' "
Error: Could not stat device /dev/mmcblk0 unit MB print free| grep Free| tail -1| awk '{print }' - No such file or directory.
volumio@volumiobox:/boot$ sudo parted -s /dev/mmcblk0 unit MB print free| grep Free| tail -1| awk '{print $2}'
OK, I formatted your post to make it better readable.
Obviously the output makes sense now, there is no free space, you forgot one quote after /dev/mmcblk0 with the first command.
Anyway, the picture is much clearer now, there is no more free space as re-sizing worked.
However, now we have the find out why the overlay file system is only showing 105M, no idea yet…
Could you do a reboot and then another df -h?
I tried to restart, but it does not come up anymore.
It is not reachable via ping anymore.
I tested if hotspot is active, but no WLAN available from volumio.
I plugged the power cable off for 10 sec and then on again.
Same result.
It seems something crashed the volumio.
Of course - I can fast install once more from scratch, but we do not have a solution for the small filesystem correct?
No, not yet, other than doing a reboot after the first one.
The overlay file system should actually get the size of the 3rd partition as it is is created after the resize. But for some unknown reason it does not (yet).
For an intermediate solution, you could use a smaller disk, I always use 8 or 16GB, they are much cheaper and you can also put your own music on a usb stick.
I know, not a solution, but this overlay file system issue could take a while.
This was a new one - ordered from raspishop.
Let me try it with another new one 32GB.
By the way, is there a manual way to extend the filesystem.
This is what the other users mentioned in the topic found from ~ 2 years a go.
But they did not describe it in detail, so I do not know which commands to use.
Which tool do you use to flash these cards?
I mean, a card malfunction can happen (for what ever reason), but two?
And with a commonly used size of 32GB (still too big) getting the same issue?
Perhaps something else is wrong.
Yes, there is a manual procedure to res-size, but we just concluded res-size was OK.
This easily checked with sudo parted -s /dev/mmcblk0 print free
When there is no last line with a “FREE” amount of MB’s, then the data partition has its maximum size.
You can resize manually when you have an existing linux machine somewhere.
As I already mentioned, I use on my other Raspi the Pi Imager v1.6.2.
But I also tried with dd.
Do you think that the error message “Unit volumio-kiosk.service not found” is a follow-up error?
And yes, I think on my Raspi machine I can probably try the resize or not?