No sound spotify connect pcm 1794A dac

a small problem with a pcm 1794A dac, it only plays when I upsample from volumio interface, not bad in itself only spotify connect doesn’t work, practically no sound comes out, if I use FusionDsp plugin for upsample then spotify works well.

so far everything ok, but i would like to use peppymeter but it doesn’t work with FusionDsp plugin.
how do i get this dac to play with spotify and use peppymeter.

edit: the problem is not present with any other dac, so it is clearly in the pcm 1794A dac where the problem is.

i use an ian canada FifoPiMA and as driver hifiberry dac+pro, this driver must be selected otherwise the FifoPiMa will not work.
this phenomenon is also present with another streamer with almost the same dac en a Ian canada Q7 FifoPi reclocker.

what HW revision of FifoPiMA do you have?

from the Audiophonics page:

Some DACs don’t support 44.1KHz 16bit at I2S HDMI input. The FifoPiMa V1.5 additionally integrates a hardware 16bit to 32bit lossless converter to solve this problem. No longer need software up-sampling.

Change in peppy plugin folder ./asound/volumioPeppyalsa.postPeppyalsa.5.conf like that (untested :wink: )

# input from alsa pipeline
pcm.peppyalsa {
  type empty
  slave.pcm "postpeppyalsa"

# input from Spotify / airplay
pcm.Peppyalsa {
  type plug
  route_policy "duplicate"
  slave.channels 4
  slave.format "unchanged"
  slave.rate "unchanged"
  slave.pcm {
    type multi

    slaves.a.pcm "postpeppyalsa"
    slaves.a.channels 2
    slaves.b.pcm "reformat"
    slaves.b.channels 2

    bindings.0 { slave a; channel 0; }
    bindings.1 { slave a; channel 1; }
    bindings.2 { slave b; channel 0; }
    bindings.3 { slave b; channel 1; }

pcm.reformat {
  type plug 
  slave {
    pcm "mpd_peppyalsa"
    format "S16_LE" 
    rate 16000
    channels 2

# input from MPD for peppyalsa
	type meter
	slave.pcm "dummy"
	scopes.0 peppyalsa

pcm_scope.peppyalsa {
  type peppyalsa
  decay_ms 400
  meter "/tmp/myfifo"
  meter_max 100
  meter_show 1
  spectrum "/tmp/myfifosa"
  spectrum_max 100
  spectrum_size 30

pcm_scope_type.peppyalsa {
    lib /usr/local/lib/

# null output
pcm.dummy {
  type hw
	card Dummy
	device 0

pcm.postpeppyalsa {
    type plug
    slave {
        pcm "postpeppy"
        rate 48000 
        format "S16_LE"            
        channels 2        
    rate_converter "speexrate_medium"

pcm.postpeppy {
  type empty
  slave.pcm "postPeppyalsa"

this part should do the trick

pcm.postpeppyalsa {
    type plug
    slave {
        pcm "postpeppy"
        rate 48000 
        format "S16_LE"            
        channels 2        
    rate_converter "speexrate_medium"

apparently that doesn’t work. also not other jumper setting (Dop decoding)

already tried everything else.

I think the last one, I bought it as FifoMa 1.5 but I don’t think it matters because another streamer I made has the same problem with the pcm 1794A dac and that’s with a FifoPi Q7.

okay i added this line, now it plays via spotify and peppymeter works (FusionDsp plugin off) only i have to turn the volume of my amp almost full to get a little sound out of it (mixer type is on software and upsampling)
mixer type on hardware and upsampling the sound is okay, but unfortunately spotify does not pick it up as soon as it has a connection with spotify and presses play, the connection is broken.

log when pressed play (spotify) mixer type on hardware.

You made a mistake with the last pcm. Should be postpeppy
Did you disable enable Spotify after you change the file and mixer setting?

file modified (mixer type software) same problem.
i have turned spotify off and on again and set mixer type, also a reboot.
it would be nice if spotify works via hardware. but somehow it doesn’t work with that.

with FusioDsp sound perfect, upsample everything okay and a normal volume level, also spotify (mixer type hardware)

I will do a whole new installation tomorrow and only install spotify and peppymeter, no other plugins for the rest. and of course edit those files.

flashed a new image, installed spotify connect, set pcm dac on hardware (was already standard) and upsampled to 24 bit 192 khz.
sound via volumio internet radio okay, spotify now picks up but unfortunately no sound.
If I set upsample to 16 bit, there is no sound via volumio internet radio.

the best thing would be that spotify works with mixer type hardware.
edit mixer type software spotify plays but at low volume. is therefore not an option.
back to hardware spotify picks it up but no sound.


Starting Live Log...
pam_unix(sudo:session): session closed for user root

info: CoreCommandRouter::volumioGetState
info: CoreCommandRouter::volumioGetQueue
info: CoreStateMachine::getQueue
info: CorePlayQueue::getQueue
info: CoreCommandRouter::executeOnPlugin: system , getHwuuid
info: CALLMETHOD: system_controller system enableLiveLog true
info: CoreCommandRouter::executeOnPlugin: system , enableLiveLog
info: Launching a new LiveLog session
[Vollibrespot] : Event: Next { track_id: SpotifyId { id: 67155112643888531500773931890914327586, audio_type: Track } }
[Vollibrespot] : Event: TrackChanged { old_track_id: SpotifyId { id: 319380757915609732190844153161177749058, audio_type: Track }, track_id: SpotifyId { id: 67155112643888531500773931890914327586, audio_type: Track } }
[SpotifyConnect]  Eyes Wide Open - From "North Star"
[Vollibrespot] : Event: SinkInactive
[Vollibrespot] : Event: PlaybackLoading { track_id: SpotifyId { id: 67155112643888531500773931890914327586, audio_type: Track } }
[SpotifyConnect]  Device palyback is loading
[Vollibrespot] : Loading  with Spotify URI 
[Vollibrespot] :  (195840 ms) loaded
[Vollibrespot] : Event: SinkActive
[SpotifyConnect]  Sink acquired
info: Continuing Spotify Session
info: Checking Spotify Web API
info: Is Connect Playback
info: New connect session, clearing queue
info: Clearing Spotify queue
info: CoreCommandRouter::volumioGetQueue
info: CoreStateMachine::getQueue
info: CorePlayQueue::getQueue
info: [1692453591633] ControllerSpotify::pushState
info: CoreCommandRouter::servicePushState
info: CoreStateMachine::pushState
info: CoreCommandRouter::executeOnPlugin: volumiodiscovery , saveDeviceInfo
info: CoreCommandRouter::volumioPushState
[Vollibrespot] : Event: Next { track_id: SpotifyId { id: 220596226634040638943090212100328577691, audio_type: Track } }
[Vollibrespot] : Event: TrackChanged { old_track_id: SpotifyId { id: 67155112643888531500773931890914327586, audio_type: Track }, track_id: SpotifyId { id: 220596226634040638943090212100328577691, audio_type: Track } }
[SpotifyConnect]  To Love Forever
[Vollibrespot] : Event: SinkInactive
[Vollibrespot] : Event: PlaybackLoading { track_id: SpotifyId { id: 220596226634040638943090212100328577691, audio_type: Track } }
[SpotifyConnect]  Device palyback is loading
[Vollibrespot] : Loading  with Spotify URI 
[Vollibrespot] :  (173866 ms) loaded
[Vollibrespot] : Event: SinkActive
[SpotifyConnect]  Sink acquired
info: Continuing Spotify Session
info: Checking Spotify Web API
info: Is Connect Playback
info: New connect session, clearing queue
info: Clearing Spotify queue
info: CoreCommandRouter::volumioGetQueue
info: CoreStateMachine::getQueue
info: CorePlayQueue::getQueue
info: [1692453612798] ControllerSpotify::pushState
info: CoreCommandRouter::servicePushState
info: CoreStateMachine::pushState
info: CoreCommandRouter::executeOnPlugin: volumiodiscovery , saveDeviceInfo
info: CoreCommandRouter::volumioPushState

I thin your problem is related to the format, maybe your DAC doesn’t like 44.1kHz/16bit

I think you should contact iancanada to request support

had already contacted, he basically said the same, all the more so because another almost the same dac also has this problem, but with a FifoPi Q7.
Tried another dac and no problem there.

conclusion: this one does not play 44.1 kHz 16 bit.

I’m not going to continue with this either. but looking for a nice dac that does play all bit rates.

already behind it. this dac only supports 24 bit 192 khz… that’s why it has to be upsampled.

this is my friend’s other dac with the same problem.

Looking at the PCM1794A datasheet, it should support 44.1kHz playback. 192kHz is the maximum supported sample frequency.

I suppose it’s MCLK clock ratio for 44.1kHz/16bit that cause issues with this very old DAC

it almost has to be … the only setting it works with is 192 khz 24/32 bit, the rest is bad sound or noise.