I signed up for Volumio Virtuoso to checkout Qubuz/Tidal integration. I’m able to select Qubux Tidal in Source screen. Yes the device is enabled.
Sometimes login’ out and new log in helped. But I am sure you tried that already?!
Thanks for the quick reply - Yes I have tried logout/in several times.
I really don’t want to make fun of you, but as f.e. a breakdown mechanic always asks if the car has gas…you have Tidal and/or Qobuz accounts?
Yes to active Qubuz account.
I was able to get Qobuz working. You need to be physically on the enabled device i.e. not via multidevice. It would be nice to have an error message for this circumstance. I was lucky to stumble on solution. Other messages say you need to be login to the enabled device. This is misleading…