No Qobuz or tidal 3.233

Just installed latest update.
There is no Qobuz or tidal . Using virtuoso.
Why is the most fundamental parts missing???
Good god.
Reinstalled 3 times and yes. Not Qobuz ect.
This would be hilarious, but no. Iam paying for yet again broken software.
Going back to Moode, I know that works.
Oh. And I want a refund. Iam done with this joke.

Did you activate it in “Sources”?
Did you click the symbol on right bottom?
I never had this issue. Qobuz and Tidal both work perfect.

Yes activated .
Just downloaded from volumio. Burned image to 2 different micro sds.
My account shows virtuoso.
There is no Qobuz or tidal.
There’s just the usual. Nothing more.
It no longer gives me access to Qobuz ect.
What am I paying for??
Appearance contemporary, but missing a lot of options like
Backgrounds ect.

2 fresh installs to new micro… all show same.
Had enough. Closing account and moving on.

Just checked sources, say start free trial to stream Qobuz and tidal???

Am paying for virtuoso. What the f…l.
Hooo spittting f&+#@@ feathers.n
Bye .


You are not happy… but it doesn’t allow you to insult.
Did you enter your credentials in sources?
And please stay quiet or…

Ok I understand.
I gave it another chance.
I tried a few more micro sds.

Then suddenly Qobuz appeared.
Checked all settings ,iam logged in check.

Now everytime I load an album it plays 30 seconds of each track.

So, you see Qobuz now. Nice.
What is your Qobuz subscription?
Did you login Qobuz in volumio with the same credentials?
And last point, if you have virtuoso account in Myvolumio, you have a didcated support you can ask.

I have the same issue. Since volumio version 3.233, Qobuz and Tidal integration has simply disappeared. Despite I have purchased for a Virtuoso plan… I am thinking of falling back to the previous version of volumio when the integration was working… Too bad, I am using Qobuz streaming services a lot. I see also that the Virtuoso plan has now disappeared from the commercial options. Does not sound good for those of us who still have a Virtuoso plan running…

Did you login Qobuz in sources?
Your Virtuoso plan stay valid as long you keep it.
As a subscriber, you have a dedicated support

Don’t understand what is happening… Qobuz is now back in the available sources… I am playing Qobuz with volumio 3.233 while posting this message… So forget what I have written and enjoy Qobuz & volumio until the end of your Virtuoso plan !

darn those AI things :rofl:

I just backed up my SD, then updated to 3.233, Qubuz was missing, went to “Sources” reconnected to Qubuz and all seems to be working Ok

Ditto for me, no more “Qobuz” with version three, plus I’m not very good at computers so I’m floundering!!!
So I went back to the latest version “2.917” which works very well and even more fluid with the “Music service sheld” plugins.
On the other hand strangely the virtual keyboard does not work, I will try to reinstall it!!!

why so much regression in code ? :thinking:

I went back because it was impossible to find Qobuz in the sources!!!
All the time reading the latest messages, some are getting there now, I’m going to redo a new “SD” in versions 3 and relaunch Volumio, I’ll keep the community informed as soon as the tests are done.