No Plugins displayed

Hello everyone,

I have installed latest version of Volumio 2.389 on my PI 3.
Basically it is running fine except when I go to Plugins then on Search Plugins I did not see any available plugins.

Also I can not see and search any internet radio.

Please help and thank you.

Hi, check your dns config it looks like Volumio can’t reach the internet.

Guys, I have the same issue, after another fresh install of the current latest version, I don’t have any plugins in plugins page.

Also I can log in into my volumio account… so as previseusly sayed it’s not dns trouble I think.

Any suggestions?

Did set up opendns settings in DNS, nothing in result. Guys any comments?

Drop down into a ssh shell and check if you can fetch the plugin.json

# Check what arch your on
arch=$(dpkg --print-architecture)
curl -L${arch}/plugins.json

Thnaks for answer. I have the next:

curl -L curl: (7) Failed to connect to port 80: Connection timed out

But, I also trying to get it from my pc, and didn’t have the answer from the plugins url… Damn. :neutral_face: No words,

Seems I don’t have the route to the plugins host but why I’m not understood right now. Traceroute also without answer after my IPS out.

Guys, seems this host is not responsible from Ukraine. I asked guys from near contries for check it, and they have an answer… at least a problem with one of the providers is probably 100%, not sure about this 'coz I can’t test it at all.

Test from another homie with another provider and he got normal answer to curl. :confused:

Try directly accessing the github page where it’s hosted:

Okay, this link is works for me.

You can change the url in /volumio/app/pluginmanager.js for a quick fix…

Okay I will try, thanks u homie, but what if route to host is not responsible for 50% of world?

I was going to add you should rename the post/start an issue on git to get the responsible devs to check their server host :slight_smile:

Thanks a lot! Your advice helped me, now I can install plugins. :wink: But I think we must solve the problems with this host.

Also, detailed button is not working at no one plugins in list.

You probably didn’t update the link in the getPluginDetails function…

Yes I understand it, but will be great when the main guys solve the current issue at all :wink:

as from today the plugins page is not loading to me. None of the 2 URLS are responding manually…Is the server down?

Damn I didn’t know about this verifying… :slight_smile: