No Album Art Or Track Information

Hi, I have found what appears to be a problem since upgrading from v2.323 to version 2.348.

First a little background. Volumio is running on a Rpi 3 Model B and is being used purely as a DLNA renderer, there are no local files. The music is all stored on a server and I am using jRiver Media Center as the DLNA controller.

When I was using v2.323, the album art was shown in the WebGUI and the left hand circle showed the track progression and also the file type, bit depth and sample rate. Also the track title is shown at the top of the screen.

However, since upgrading to v2.348 there is no album art showing in the WebGUI and the left hand circle is completely blank. Also no track title is shown at the top of the screen. However, the music is playing back as it should so there is no problem there.

I now have two SD cards, one with v2.323 installed and the other with 2.348 installed so I can easily swap between the two versions. If I boot v2.323 then the album art and track information is displayed correctly again.

Is this a bug in v2.348 or something else that I’m missing.
