I have a Raspberry Pi 3 Model B 1.2
Running the yesterday downloaded volumio-2.041-2016-12-12-pi image on it, out of the Box.
What I am missing - and I tend to be ashemd and stunned, because nobody else seems to have that problem - :
Detailed system-settings.
Particularly all Airport features.
I installed that system to have the Raspberry working as Airplay-Center.
I have 6 Aiport-Express, want to attach - let’s say - Amazon Echo on an external USB-Soundcard connected to the Pi,
and push that controlled by Volumio to all or - case-sensitive, to selected Airports.
But out of the box I am not finding any airport feature shown in either of Volumio’s Sub-Menues.
I was surprised, that at least my iPhone found it as Airport-Speaker, but that was is: chossen Volumio in the Airport-List
on my iPhone and playing something didn’t bring sound out of the Raspberry HDMI (Web-Radio works).
The Statusscreen on the Web-UI even tells me playing still web-radio, while iPhone shows playback on Volumio-airplay.
but as stated: That would be half the battle; I still don’t know why there is no way to chose my existing Airport-Expresses as Playback-Devices in Voluio-settings.
On Screenshots in the Web I saw settings I don’t have.
I would check running services, but since this is out of the box, know Hards- and Softwarestate, someone could tell me what I have might missed…
In other words: I just want to do the same thing like this guy:
Has anyone an idea what I have missed?
Best Regards
Brandon Quest