I have 2 Volumio devices, one Asus Tinkerware and one RBPi 3B+. Both were connecting to my music on Synology NAS via NFS (vers=3). I attempted to play files from it on Volumio on both systems. My library showed the music files but clicking on play on any file didn’t result on any action, not even error messages on the UI. I decided to delete the libraries and sources. Now the NFS shares appear as mounted, but no files are scanned into the library.
I have been streaming mostly from Qobuz, such that I cannot tell when this behavior started.
Here the log after attempting a re-scan: http://logs.volumio.org/volumio/xDNN4IF.html
Mounting with CIFS works and lets me scan and play files (on the Tinkerware, haven’t tried it on RBPi yet). However I rather continue to use NFS. Are there any additional setting to be made on the NAS side (mapping, cross-mount, etc)? Any help is very much appreciated.
Thanks, I’m trying it out now but I get the same behaviour… appears successfully mounted, but no action at all when re-scanning - empty library, no “in progress” rotating icon.
That’s not the problem, volume1/Public has to be there, the Synology NAS provides that path in the NFS settings - anything else just doesn’t work, Volumio rejects it immediately.
Also, via ssh it looks properly mounted and on the right location - it shows the correct folders on the NAS:
You path should be readable by Volumio, without the use of sudo.
Hence Volumio can’t scan it.
Please check the correct path for you share.
Open windows explorer and type file:\\ to see the share. If you don’t see the folder it means that your share is incorrect setup.
Again the internal path volume1 is not part of a share.
I can access the share via my windows explorer, no problem. volume1/Public is the path given by Synology:
I’ve tried it with the leading slash, without, with volume1, without… only volume1/Public/Music has been accepted by volumio, otherwise an error comes.
I think this is the key - I am checking in parallel over the CIFS connection on the Tinkerboard and that dir listing works without sudo. Now I’m just trying to figure out why it mounts root protected on NFS but not on CIFS
Solved. The problem was the NFS squash setting on the Synology NAS. It needs to be “map all users to admin”.
On Volumio’s side, options vers=3 or nfsvers=3 work well, so does the longer mount path.
Thanks anyhow for the help.