Hi there
I’d like to install a working audio system in my home.
From what I’ve read, volumio could be my solution but before making my neurones burn, i’d like to assert some of my questions.
First of all here’s my gear.
Quite old laptop acer aspire 1640.
Quite good aplificator wifi and ethernet compatible with integrated DAC
Home wifi network provided by my ISP provider’s box.
Android phone (huawei P20pro)
Now, here’s what i’d like to have.
One HD on whitch my music is plugged on my box (it could be plugged on my laptop but for room and convenience i’d prefer it on the box)
The laptop with volumio either plugged to the ampli by ethernet or transmitting wifi (this one would be better to avoid fan noise)
Launching music from my phone (volume control would be dearly appreciated) with album art displayed.
So, do you think all of this can work with my gear?
Thanks for your kind answers and pardon my english (it’s not my native language)