I thought I’d try Volumio for Spotify and Qobuz. I have it installed on a Pi4 and using a HifiBerry DAC2 HD (which was recognised straight away). Installed the Spotify plugins and logged into Qobuz. Volume turned up. Nothing playing. The UI tells me something is playing but no sound. Also within the Spotify app my Volumio rasp pi is seen but cannot connect. What’s going on?!
there are many versions that people could use and download so i can’t see
but i checked it in log :
2.799 (16-07-2020) 4.19.118 Kernel for Raspberry PI should be oke
can you check in /boot/config.txt if the “dtoverlay=hifiberry-dacplushd” is pressent.
no you could ssh in to your pi … but you have to enable it first in the pi
use your ip /dev or volumio.local/dev to enable ssh in the pi …
if you have a pc by the hand would be nice i know it on the pc
for the mac it’s more search and guess work for me…
ssh is a way to talk to your pi from your mac putty or sftp/ftp client logs in to your pi
there you could edit or do file transfer… or install things ect…
but we can check first if the pi is set to the right device …
go to settings >>> playback options and say wath you have standing by outputdevice …
that should be oke , back to the ssh i will look if i can see the files of my system on the pc
i don’t know what partition is visable with putting it straight in the pc i use always ssh …
it’s set as it had to be i followed the steps i know and all seem to be oke…
let see if some one else knows more this should work … more i could not find by hifiberry