New very problematic installation

I had problems with my old (but up-to-date) volumio (maybe a corrupted microSD?) and I decided to reinstall it from scratch.

Reading the following, consider that I’ve been running volumio on a RPi 2B with a HifiBerry DAC Plus for years without any problem.

Today I downloaded the latest image for RPi, flashed, … and now I’m having many problems:

  1. in the freshly new install it looks like I’m already logged into myVolumio: sound strange … how is it possible? Does myVolumio uses MAC address to find volumio install all over the world? Sound really strange.
  2. Anyway, getting into myVolumio section I see two devices (probably the old install and the new one. I removed them.
  3. logout, reboot, and re-login presents the following:
    3.1 I am continuously asked to accept terms and conditions …
    3.2 there is no way to activate the present device to myVolumio (tried to logout and re-login, reboot, … anything: no way!
    3.3 (think this is a consequence of the previous) cannot see any plugin available

I’ve been using volumio for over than a year (or maybe two or more) but now I’m stuck with those stupid problems.

I need some (urgent) help.

  1. Seems related to your browser cache. Most likely using the same name etc.
  2. Please check if your date is correct on the rpi.
    open a ssh session and type date

If the date/time is not correct use this command:
/bin/bash -c "sleep 1; /usr/bin/sudo /bin/date -s \"$(/usr/bin/curl -s --head | grep ^Date: | sed 's/Date: //g')\""

And try again

  1. I’ll do my test
  2. Date is correct (checked via console with the date command).

In any case, there is no way to activate any new device. I also tried with the Android app: I checked for a new device, I find it, I configure it, I also login in MyVolumio but then, no way to activate the present device, no way to see any plugin available.

Really sad!

please post a log, we might see what causes the issue.
Post the uRL in this post.

I think I found the problem and it is not related to volumio (nor to rpi nor to hifiberry) so you can stop reading here (problem description follows but is very Off Topic).

It looks like it is a problem with the ethernet cable. Recently I wired a part of my house making an ethernet cable pass through the electricity ducts along with the 230V AC cables. The cable is shielded and should not feel the 50Hz AC.

However, for some reason that I don’t understand, it looks like the connection quality is poor (I have to take some measurements to be sure) and cause some problems in the volumio setup stage.

If I connect volumio directly to my router, everything works.

What still remans strange is that, once Volumio is set up, it can be used without any problem even with the “poor” connection.

I’m really confused but I do not expect any help on this topic.

Thank you for your support anyway.

Well, the 50HZ is most of the time not the biggest issue, everything consuming power is, like:

  • Halogen lights
  • Everything with an engine (washer/dryer/freezer/…)
  • Every dimmer

All these devices causing feedback to the powerlines, which results in small magnetic fields. The bigger the distance the CAT cable needs to cover, the bigger the impact.
For this reason powerlines and network cables are always separated from each other.