I’m new to volumio. I have a RasPi 3. I downloaded an image (Jan 2019), flashed it to a micro SD, plugged in a mouse, keyboard and TV as a monitor. I powered up the RasPi 3 - the good news is that Linux booted, the bad news is that volumio did not come up. Rather I got a “volumio login” command line prompt. I logged in with root/volumio, but cannot get the graphical UI going. Any suggestions?
-Mike M.
Yes, thanks I have used the quick start guide and also searched the Internet for my issue.
If the first boot process detected the monitor, in which file should I look for settings? /boot/config.txt? I tried “init 5” - same results. Is there a systemd command to try that will show diagnostics?
Volumio is designed to usually run as a headless system, that is on a computer without a monitor attached. The GUI is accessed from a browser on any device (mobile, tablet, PC) connected to the same network as your Volumio device (home LAN for example). If your RPi has a wired connection to the LAN, then you can access the UI with “http://volumio” or “http://volumio.local” or the actual IP address of your Volumio device (get from you network router) eg. “”. If the RPi is wirelessly connected, then you have to access it’s hotspot in order to set up your wifi name & password.
All of these steps and much more are detailed in the guide link in my message signature.
P.S. You can use a monitor attached to your RPi, but this requires the installation of a plugin. You will also need to read about plugins here.
@chsims1 -Thanks! that was very helpful. I figured out the IP address of the RasPi3 and am now able to access it from a browser on another system. I can continue setup now.
I’d like to write a document along the lines of “Volumio on RasPi3 completely from scratch”. I have never seen a paper with ALL the steps needed to get a system going, and this might be one way to “give back”. From what I can see so far volumio looks VERY COOL.
Looking down the road, is there any software that allows voice input? It would be great to a voice selection system similar to those that are becoming common in automobiles. I’m looking at Kaldi, but am probably in way over my head.
Thanks again to all of you helping to make volumio available for free.
Ah, sorry, I thought the Quickstart guide would get you pointed in that direction, rather than me needing to type out all that about the web interface and whatnot. My apologies. Welcome!
Note: thought I posted similar, but it seems lost - sorry if this is a duplicate:
@earlycj5 no need to apologize - in fact the Quickstart guide says that volumio is headless. I was reading too fast and just didn’t grok that.
Still trying to get a local user interface, rather than command line. I went to :
Plugins => Miscellanea => Touch Display Plugin => Install
I had a keyboard and monitor attached and the install process failed. It seemed to be prompting for the type of keyboard. I unplugged the keyboard and tried the install again - joy! - I have a local volumio graphical UI on an old 20" monitor.
It seems there is support for the official RasPi 7" Touch Screen Display. Is there support for a smaller display, like 3.5"? I’m trying to have volumio+raspi drive a boombox which may or may not have Internet access. A small touch screen on the front would be nice.
Better still to me would be a voice input front end. Is there a project like this or has anyone started one? No sense in reinventing the wheel. I am looking at the kaldi voice recognition toolkit. I may be in over my head, but will give it a try if nobody has started this path.