myvolumio registration

I am trying to register at myvolumio for over one week.

And get the message:

“Error: A network error (such as timeout, interrupted connection or unreachable host) has occurred.”

Volumio is connected with the network via Lan-cable

  1. I tried the registration with my mobile over volumio-WLAN
  2. tried with my desktop PC and LAN connection to volumio
  3. tried registration with the browser at: “

each time with the same result!

Could it be that the server is offline?

Where can I get help?

Hi Klaus,
you might be getting this error because a firewall on your network, can you check that?
For example: try to connect to internet via an hotstpot on your mobile, and see if that works

I will use my mobile as hotspot router and try to link volumio with it.

We will see what happens.