My Volumio Set up with Pic

Just wanted to share my set up and recent experience after almost a year of Volumio.

Here is my current system:

  • Rasberry Pi4b with Flirc case
  • Topping E30 USB Dac
  • AudioEngine HD4 Series
  • Cambridge Minx 2.1 Subwoofer
  • iFi Silent Power 5Volt 2.5amp
  • Audioquest usb cables

What I have learned

  • Volumio Hardware is absolutely fantastic

  • Rasberry Pi4b is far superior to 3b+ In speed and connectivity.

  • Topping Dac E30 is fantastic. Pleasantly surprised that it improves the performance over the Audiophonics essabre 9038 Dac Hat that I was using. So I now agree that USB DACs are superior to the DAC Hats even though I had one of the better Dac Hats. Anyway the DAC is awsome and has a great screen that displays the resolution in DAC mode.

  • Volumio software is a bit problematic. I was in the top tier subscription but just too buggy. I will come back when they clean up the delays, and bugs in particular with Qobuz. I switched to mConnect and the connection to Volumio is flawless while the interface is debatable, ie weaker than Volumio in some areas, stronger than Volumio in other areas.

  • AudioEngine 4 series & Cambridge Minx combo is a good choice and all of this sounds simply fantastic in my Office/Lodge environment.

Here is a pic:


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