My self-build volumio streamer

i tried this with a raspberry pi (resistor) and with no sucsses, sometimes it worked and sometimes a distorted sound.
I also tried different resitor values.

Tomorrow I will measure the voltage of the raspberry pi and tone1.

here the measurements start up power supplies.

I use a power supply of 5 volts 5 amps for tone 1 and an audiophonics power supply for the raspberry pi.

the tone1 power supply takes about a second to stabilize and then hangs at 5.21 volts.
for the raspberry pi about the same and is stable at 5.19 volts ā€¦ see video.

the power supply in front of the audiophonics power supply is set to approximately 8 volts.
both power supplies (tone1 and raspberry) are switched on simultaneously via a relay.

Thank you.
And usb data to tone1 by cable, isnt it?

I try to reproduce earlier this setup: Pi and tone by the same power supply, black cable from usb to usb c for data. It did not work, for cold boot tone1 not seen.
Another test by feeding 3.6-4.6v to tone1 usbc and power to pi and tone, usb data to gpio tone1. It did not work.

I have no idea what is going on, I end with initial working setup by wires from Pi usb to tone1 gpio.

indeed the usb c is connected from the raspberry pi to the tone1.

but keep in mind that as soon as pin 1 and 21 are used via the tone1 gpio, the voltage of that usb c cable is switched off.

Iā€™ve also been working on it several times but never really got itā€¦thatā€™s why I now use two separate power supplies.
with me it is even the case if I use a USB-C other than the one that came with it, it sometimes doesnā€™t work well either.


if you look at solution 3 (void warranty) there is also automatic usb switching, this is then performed for sulotion 2 and then with usb c connected to the tone1.
So thereā€™s something crazy there that I havenā€™t been able to find yet, but something is happening that has to do with this problem.

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I have a spare power supply i will do the test like you did.
If works means I have to move tone1 inside the case, otherwise i have to route the cable for usb connection which i dont really like.

it may be solderable but it will be a fiddle, I donā€™t dare to do it myself.

I did the test, with a separate PS for tone and cable usb to usbc. I was not able to power on in the same time.

  1. Maintain power on to tone and power on pi - it works
  2. Power on pi and after few seconds tone, it works (obviously because of cable)
  3. Try to power pi almost same time with tone, pi first - it works
  4. Try to power pi almost same time with tone, tone first this time - it works
  5. During playback disconnect power on tone - music continues to play.
    Iā€™m not sure how to see this, one bad conclusion is the power by usb is not disconnected because from the beginning it was just the cable who act. The good one in this case 2 power supply feed tone on the same time and no interruption when one goes off.

However, my expectation was to feed power and d+/d- to tone gpio, which is not possible.

itā€™s still strange.
I wonder how other khadas forum members managed to do this. maybe different tone1 versions have been released.
But anyway Iā€™m not going to experiment with it anymore and leave it as it is now.

Anyway thank you for your time, I apologize I pollute your topic, I start with a different issue and arrive to an unexpected problem for me.

Kind regards

You got 2 versions generic and vim version
On one it should work they show a vim version V13 2018 03

theyā€™re both the same funtionality-wise, Vim has connectors soldered, generic does not.

No problem, I was also curious if this could be solvedā€¦ so it turns out not.
or other forum members know the solution.

How about dac hat did someone here try to add power button on gpio while dac/hat plugged on gpio?

I have combination of an rPi4 and Hifiberry DAC Plus.
You just need to make sure youā€™re not using a GPIO thatā€™s being used by your DAC and use the reset pins to startup up again.

Or get a case with a power button, like the Argon one or geekworm.

Hello, I have installed the Power Supply Module A-19 2x3-20V LT1083.

It is connected to a Raspberry pi4 and a sound card. Do I need to adjust the voltage? Or how is it set at the factory?

Thank you very much

yes you have to adjust via the blue multi turn potentiometer, put a voltage meter on the output and turn it to the correct voltage.
make sure you use the correct polarity.

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Thank you very much for the quick reply. I will do that in the next few days.

I have one more question. Does this power supply unit have to be earthed separately?

no, not necessary, you must ground the 230 volt mains input earth pin on the case/chassis.

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Thank you very much, yes of course I did the earthing on the 230V.